LADIES: Why Even Best Of Girl Friends Fight Over Men.

This is what a lady we will call Mee Gee says: We fight against one another because of men. Men around us cause us to be jealousy of one another. 

Every one wants to be the best at impressing men because men choose the best.

The real foundation of the problem is with our culture. As we grow, everything around girls is about men:
"If you are not at washing, you will be divorced by your husband"
"Walk properly, boys do not like girls like you and the way you walk"
"Dress well or you will fail to get a man (husband)"
"Go to school and be educated, men don't love people who are uneducated"
"You are failing to cook will be left by your husband"
Friends can become enemies because of men
The list goes on and on, but all of these statements being bombarded into our minds have to do with men. Its's like you must do everything because one day you must be tolerated by a man so as ladies we grow up with a mentality of pleasing men and to outdo one another to please a man. The moment you see another lady that is better that you, you automatically become jealousy. A woman will fight her way to be the best even if it means fighting.

What do you guys think?

Sisters, "But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another" (Galatians 5:15).

SHARE with a lovely sister. I just did!

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