Intuitive is one of the strength within a woman and many despise it. Intuitive means using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
When we read the Bible in Genesis 3 the First Lady Eve fell but if she had used her intuitive instinct I bet she might not fallen but am not saying her falling did not help it did in so many great ways we saw the coming of Christ.Most women are very intuitive which makes them feel and be conscious of things some do not perceive that instinct is Good and should not be disregarded. I believe God actually put it in women so that they not be swayed by the Devil again. The intuitive instinct is a great asset within women which should be harnessed in women and a great use to many if rightly perceived. I always laugh at times when I feel something and i day this I feel it’s not good then it comes to be so even some friendship I see them as unhealthy.
Anna Tendayi Sibiya |
A women offspring was to be the one to strike the head the serpent and without the intuition in them how then do they help their offspring. Think of the great you impact you have so much you are the first being to meet up with the devil all because he did not want God’s plan to be a success so much he did not think of visiting Adam but Eve because he knew so God have you that instinct for a reason use it wisely. Women let’s pray, read the word and help the gift God gave us to be in good use to us all.
Women should listen to their instinct the devil use persuasion whilst the woman had instinct so we need to be careful sometimes we let the devil persuade us in certain things whilst our instinct is saying no to it
By Anna Tendayi Chiweshe Sibiya