MUST READ: Albinism Is Not A Curse!

We stand on two feet,
Just like all of you do,
We speak the very language,
You all speak and understand,

We have tender hearts,
That love everybody without selection,
We are not aliens of any sort,
But a very rare race indeed,
A race that needs your love.

Though different in complexion,
But we're a creation of God anyway,
Now why the discrimination?
What's with the hate and rejection?
I mean why all the superstition?
We deserve fair chance to a normal life,
Just like you all do.

Our condition was never our choice,
Neither can we reverse it,
No matter how bad we wish,
Say a word against God's plan,
Then you have yourself to rebuke,
But I beg u to find just a lil love,
Deep within your hearts,
To share with us,
To appreciate us the way we are.

Albinism is not a curse,
Neither is it a sickness,
But a condition that makes our skin unique,
Though we lack a dose of melanin,
We're no different from you,
So away with the myths!
Away with the hate and rejection!
Away with the superstition,
And we are not superhuman.
A hunt is for the game,
A slaughter us for the butcher,
Murder is a national crime,
Abduction is painful and horrible,
We're tired of hiding from our own shadows,
It's a fair chance to a normal life,
That we are asking for,
Stop killing Albinos.

By Blessings 'SoulFish' Hove.
Albinism Is Not A Curse!

Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
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