A child of God cannot be cursed if there is no cause. On a personal level, I have been involved in deliverances of many satanists.
Their masters promise harm, evil, curses and disaster but "no weapon forged against me will prosper." The condition is, you must have NO CAUSE for a curse to rest in your life(Proverbs 26:2). I believe no part of me can be bewitched, instead even the clothes that I wear carry anointing to burn demons...as long as you do not have a cause.These causes are some of the common ones (Avoid These):
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
1. Continual sin. Sin opens doors for satan to enter because sin separates you from God and befriends you to evil forces. Demons will have a legal right over you (1 John 3:8). Most demons that refuse to leave often do so coz of the life of sin in the host.
2. Worshipping any other God. This is directly worshipping the devil and the devil will claim authority over your life. This includes worship of self, animals, ancestors/midzimu/amadhlozi, alien spirits/mashavi,mammon/god of wealth,fertility gods,et.al. Let us honour our servants of God NEVER worship them (Deuteromy 27:15)
3. Participating in unholy practices: Witchcraft, Spiritual manipulation, Wizardry, Divination, Kuwuka, Necromancy, Cconsulting 'the dead,' bringing home cermony, Kurova guva, Umbuyiso etc. (Deuteronomy 18:10). Even in my absence I will not even contribute my money toward these.
4. Breaking covenants and pledges. Many people promise in church and do not fulfil. Some pledge to marry someone or do something then do not fulfil. This opens serious doors(Eccleciastes 5:4). A lady came for prayer and before the church God said, all is in disorder through a pledge you failed to honour, a television set.
Curses make things difficult |
6. Violating people in positions of authority over your life e.g your biological parents (Exodus 20:12, Leviticus 20:9), spiritual parents (Hebrews 13:17), servants of God starting with the nation of Israel (1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalm 105:15).
7. Not paying tithes. Malachi 3:9. This attracts poverty. Check or ask for my articles on tithes.
8. Violating the law of ranks and protocols (though we are equal before God we do not have the same responsibilities and levels of grace). Romans 13:7. In Matthew 3:15 Jesus demonstrated this law.
9. Tresspassing demonic territory (spiritually or geographically) without necessary authority. Satan is the god of this earth, since Adam lost the Kingdom. Without a clear-cut Kingdom mandate and authority do not attempt attacking the enemy especially if you do not live right (ask Sceva's sons). I have walked sacred mountains and said all I cared to say and never got lost or cursed but if you know you are not yet there please do not imitate action without authority. Many tourists have been reported missing forever in such places..however we are more than conqueres through Christ.
10. Living on cursed grounds. We had to anoint and deliver a certain house because strange and mysterious things were happening. If it is so with you, call a priest. Leviticus 14:35.
11. Sexual pervasion. Having same-gender sex, sex with animals, adultery/fornication et.al Deuteronomy 27:21, Hebrews 13:4. If you want to know more on this order my book, Let's Talk About Sex Babe!
12. Breaking covenants with satan and his servants without proper deliverance and teaching. After decding to leave satanic cults you need the above or else the devil will release a serious war which you may fail to contain without help from servants of God. Musangopise machira enyu mega kana musati masimba!
13. Inherited curse. Some of the curses that are upon us have come from those came before us and we simply inherit them. Check Lamentations 5:7
14. Abuse of alcohol. I have posted a post with 75 places in the Bible where alcohol is discouraged. While it can be used to help medically its abuse is closely knitted to spirits of prostitution and poverty according to Proverbs. Check for the article on Alcohol or ask for it.
15. I leave this one open for you to add more. I have many things to teach but have limited myself, here to these only. What do you think opens more doors?
Please keep doors closed and do not allow demons to take over your life, relationships, affairs, marriages, ministries, businesses, assemblies, academic life etc because of these causes. Remember, a curse without a cause will not come to rest, it will fly by your house! Our victory was guaranteed 2000 years ago on that old rugged cross of Calvary.
Receive Jesus NOW! Say, "Jesus, come into my heart!"
I speak the blood of Jesus over your household.
I love you all.
Apostle Pride Sibiya.