Who is that lady to you?
We see you together everyday!
You are always seen holding her hands, standing with her, praying with her, eating with her and everyone can see how close you are!
But who are you to her and who is she to you?
Every time people ask you if she was your fiancée, you quickly say no but no one can come close to that lady because you are always around!
She is even confused herself!
She does not understand your intentions!
Today she is your spiritual daughter, tomorrow she is your friend, later she is just a sister in the church!
Please Church Brother Set That Lady Free Now! |
All those who desired her are put off because of your closeness to her!
Why don’t you let her be?
Since she is not your lover and you are not asking her to be your wife, why then have you become a monitoring spirit following her every where and every day?
You have terbanacled and canopied around her for too long, please set her free from your ministry that has no future for her!
All I can do is plead with you Bro’s!!!
Please stop this canopy ministry!!! Loose that girl and let her go!
Let her admirers find space to show their intentions!!!
Remember what you told us all, she is just a friend or she is your daughter in the Lord or just your little sister! And We have heard you!
Let her be available to her prospective husband!
Let her be able to think clearly!
You are building in her unhealthy emotions and setting unrealistic expectations in her heart!
She is believing that you want her when you are actually just occupying space!
Biko, Bro’s please walk!!!
My lady, please borrow yourself some sense and run away from that canopy ministry.
I hope you understand?
He does not want you and he has given you enough signs!
Before it is too late, leave his canopy because I am sure he will soon bring the lady he want and you will be stranded!
Before it is too late, get out of that canopy!!!
Bro’s please loose her and let her go!
Enough is enough!!!