Dear Minister of the gospel, Your colleagues in Ministry who invite you to come preach in their church was not inviting you to come because you are more powerful than they are.
They are not calling you to do what they can not be used by the same God to do. Hear this new 11 commandments:1. They just extended hands of fellowship to you expecting you to do same to them in future. You can't preach in one church two times and you don't reciprocate the same love to the church by inviting their own pastor to preach in your own church yet, then you still expect another invitation. You are demonstrating cruelty by such acts.
2. You CAN'T be treated well when you are hosted and when you are hosting others you treat them like You are their father and they are children. If you tag certain packages for yourself when you are invited please reciprocate same to your guest ministers. You can't receive a brown envelope when you preach for others and then give your guest ministers only transportation rapped with a paper stapled with pins. (SORRY SIR WE COULDN'T FIND AN ENVELOPE!)
Apostle Pride Sibiya |
4. You have no right to sell your books or CDs, any arrangement to sell your items must be discussed with your host before the program. Remember your materials contain your contact information and some tricky ministers use that medium to drop their contacts. You also lack the right to exchange phone numbers at your hosts. YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS BETWEEN YOUR HOST PASTOR AND NOT HIS CHURCH MEMBERS. DO YOUR BEST TO MAINTAIN SUCH THEREAFTER.
5. When Your host gives you 1 hour to minister, minister for 55 mins and drop the mic. Stop telling the members that you are given limited time or you wish there are more time. Stop that indirect buying of airtime by asking the members can I go on? The contract was between your host and not the members. STOP ABUSING PRIVILEGES. Sir you are not coming back thereafter.
6. Don't even stand in another persons pulpit to promote your spiritual father. Your host may believe in your ministry but detests your father. Stick to why you were invited. Also please stop sharing too much testimonies about your own ministry, any miracle you are not able to repeat before our eyes dont tell us. Stop telling us about what God used you to do in Jamaica please we want our own testimonies to prove you.
7. Don't begin to display your riches and tell your host members what God is doing in your life. Its very irrelevant to your purpose of invitation. You are allowed to tell them how you suffered before God blessed you just to encourage them to never give up. Please As possible as you can, avoid telling lies by the Altar. Don't exaggerate your testimonies and please don't preach against any man of God or church. All Catholic church members are not unbelievers infact some are more spiritual than you and all Pentecostal church members are not believer, some are more deadly than a pagan.
9. Stop searching information about the church members where you are invited to preach from Facebook and social media so you can use them to prophesy. We want prophesies beyond the human realms and not just mentioning of names. All this self acclaimed Prophets who can't even hear "Come from God". Please stick to what God says and not what you gathered.
10. Don't expect the church to settle your honorarium from their bank account if you failed to raise a prophetic offering. (When people are blessed they don't mind to give!) And please don't expect all of it too. That coke you want to drink, your host is in need of it also. The church should be counting gains after you left and not loses.
Need I remind you that to be invited is a privilege and not because you have something no other has, therefore refrain from the mind game of telling the church you were supposed to be preaching in London now if not because of their program. Stop making it look like you are doing them favour to minister for them. Its prideful of you.
Don't expect too much honorarium, just see the invitation as an extention of blessing people with your ministry and not a money making oppurtunity.
Rev. Prophet Saviour +27638806210 (Solutions Camp Intl Church, Edenvale, Johannesburg).