"Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers. (1 Peter 3:7)
The above scripture clearly explains why prayers are hindered "This how a Head of the home will handle a quarrel with his wife.
1. They pray to God about it (Prayer)
2. They check themselves where they have offended their wives and make amendments (Self examination)
3. They stop all negative reactions (ceasefire)
4. They discuss with their wife with love and are even ready to lose the argument. (Communication)
5. They call for reconciliation not retaliation (Positive actions)
6. They make sure that, they don’t go to bed without settling dispute.(Resolution)
7. They correct her in love (Ephesians 4:12)
8. They seek counsel from their pastor or counselor where necessary. (Help)
9. They are not too proud to say “I AM SORRY”. Most men find it difficult to say this, great men are ready to say it.
Romantic Man |
11. They pamper their wives. (Nurturing)
12. They don’t feel they are always right.
13. They obey their pastor when he counsels them.
14. They don’t allow any third party know about their problem at home except their Pastor, where necessary.
15. They still love their wives despite the quarrel.
16. They don’t stop their responsibility because of the quarrel.
17. They stand with their wives despite all odds, while a “Headache husband” beats up his wife despite God’s word.
18. They forgive and forget.
Are you a Head or a Headache? The way you handle crisis at home will tell us who you are. Please change. chinja, qukula! A home is supposed to be a place of rest, not a prison.Your wife is supposed to be your darling. She is supposed to enjoy your house not endure it. She is supposed to be having PLEASURE not under PRESSURE.
You are supposed to be her HEAD not her HEADACHE.
By Pastor Simba Woloza
By Pastor Simba Woloza