1. Drink and use safe water: Bottled water with unbroken seals and canned/bottled carbonated beverages are safe to drink and use.
Use safe water to brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, and to make ice.
Clean food preparation areas and kitchenware with soap and safe water and let dry completely before reuse.
To be sure water is safe to drink and use:
Boil it or treat it with a chlorine product or household bleach.If boiling, bring your water to a complete boil for at least 1 minute.
To treat your water with chlorine, use one of the locally available treatment products and follow the instructions. For a list of products distributed by country, visit CDC’s Safe Water System website.
Wash your hands |
If a chlorine treatment product is not available, you can treat your water with household bleach. Add 8 drops of household bleach for every 1 gallon of water (or 2 drops of household bleach for every 1 liter of water) and wait 30 minutes before drinking.
Always store your treated water in a clean, covered container.
Piped water sources, drinks sold in cups or bags, or ice may not be safe and should be boiled or treated with chlorine.
2. Wash your hands often with soap and safe water.
3. Use latrines or bury your feces (poop); do not defecate in any body of water.
4. Cook food well (especially seafood), keep it covered, eat it hot, and peel fruits and vegetables.
5. Clean up safely—in the kitchen and in places where the family bathes and washes clothes.
Always store your treated water in a clean, covered container.
Piped water sources, drinks sold in cups or bags, or ice may not be safe and should be boiled or treated with chlorine.
2. Wash your hands often with soap and safe water.
3. Use latrines or bury your feces (poop); do not defecate in any body of water.
4. Cook food well (especially seafood), keep it covered, eat it hot, and peel fruits and vegetables.
5. Clean up safely—in the kitchen and in places where the family bathes and washes clothes.
Centre Of Disease Control And Prevention.