Ten Ways To Know The Devil Is Attacking You!

1. When you go to bed every night and wake up every morning without thanking God. The devil is after you.

2. When you stay for a whole day, weeks or even months without reading your Bible. The devil is interested in doing business with you!

3. When you make or answer calls, chat on Facebook and WhatsApp, take selfie inside church while service is going on. The devil is after your soul!

4. When you don't ever make out time for studying or quite time with God, my dear the devil is clapping for you!
Ten Ways To Know The Devil Is Attacking You!
5. When you pick your Bible to read, when you are praying or meditating and your phone rings, if you abandon the Bible reading and prayers to answer your phone and start jesting , the devil is organizing party for you.

6. When your phone is very handy during prayer session or Bible studies so you can respond to comments on your post, my dear the devil is beating drums for you and you are even dancing it without knowing.

7. When the first thing you do when you wake up is Facebook and the last thing you do before you sleep is whatapp, the devil is living around your area

8. When you believe that GRACE is licence to live in sin because Jesus already paid the price, my dear the devil wants to follow you to your church.
9. When you start seeing everything wrong with the church, the pastors, the Christians, my dear the devil has finally captured you.

10. Finally - On a lighter note - When you read this post and do not share with others, to help liberate and snatch someone out of the devils reach, you are simply telling the devil "KEEP IT UP"!

If you know you are in this category ... Type in the comment box “God have mercy on me!! ”
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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