The spiritual spouse is primarily a spirit of sexual perversion. Whenever we are talking about demons, always remember not to put too much merit into the common names that they are called by.
Spirits go by many names; even God, Jesus, and Satan are identified by numerous names and titles in the Bible. Night demons are no more than spirits of lust. They are powerful, high-ranking demons.
Do They Really Exist? Maybe you are wondering how it is possible for demon spirits to have intercourse with humans. Throughout the Bible there is plenty of evidence that spirits can take on some type of physical form and function as such. In the book of Genesis 6:1-2, it reads, And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them (2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
This means in laymen’s terms that demon spirits had sex with human women. Satan, who is a spirit, took on the physical form of a serpent and spoke to Eve (Rev 12:9, Gen 3:1-4). We see another case where God and some angels also took on physical forms and functioned as human beings. If you read in Genesis 18 & 19, you will find proof of this. In the text, The Lord and two angels manifest themselves as human beings. They actually talk, eat, rest, walk, have their feet washed and even sleep. This is proof that spirits can manifest themselves in physical form. There are other scriptures that make reference to this point as well. So there is no need to be mystified by these spirits; there is no question in my mind as to whether or not these spirits do indeed exist.
Whether or not you are being attacked by these spirits is usually pretty obvious. They manifest themselves to your conscious mind and cause you to experience all of the stimulation and physical feelings that take place during intercourse or sexual contact with a physical person. People are sometimes mystified by these spirits. The demons most often reveal themselves to people during the night-time hours, but can manifest themselves at any time of the day. Many people claim to actually see spirit bodies that come and subject them to various sexual acts. These spirits are often violent and will attack you, beating, choking and restrain you. They may even disturb things in your home and break things. Think of them as you would an extremely abusive sex partner or rapist and you will start to get a picture of what these spirits are all about.
Another effect these spirits have on people is causing overwhelming sexual urges in the body. You will know that you are being attacked by demons if the sexual urges are so strong that they completely take over your mind. This can happen at any time but tend to be most common when you are lying down or relaxing. You cannot think about anything else and it seems like nothing you do to make the urges go away work (i.e. a cold shower, involving yourself in another activity, shifting positions, etc.) It would seem that the only relief for the urge is to have an orgasm by any means necessary. Sometimes you will have the orgasm spontaneously and they are usually stronger than usual. If you have these type of urges THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. Now please understand that I am not saying that every powerful sexual urge in the body is due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal; or just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with your spouse. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning; at times that seem inappropriate; or without any external stimuli; and you simply cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know they are demonic.
This class of demon is also responsible for sex wet dreams: Those are dreams during which you are engaged in sexual contact or intercourse, or dreams in which your body has a spontaneous orgasm. And one much less obvious manifestation is nightmares – realist, graphic, heart-stopping nightmares that rob you of sleep and make you awake frightened.
WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE? Looking at Genesis 6:4, we learn that the assignment of these demons is to impregnate you. (4) In those days, and even afterward, giants lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old. In this scripture we learn that when these demons had sex with these women that the women became pregnant and gave birth to abnormal children – perversions of nature. Incubus and Succubus are the same class of demons that operated in those times, only now they are looking to impregnate you with spiritual perversion.
Once the spirits get you sexually aroused or subdue you through violence, you let your conscious guards and defenses down. They are then able to plant their evils in your subconscious mind, where it will go unnoticed for a long time, while actively causing major damage. It is similar to how a woman who is enjoy intercourse completely gives herself to the man and allows him to plant in her anything that comes out of him. Or even how a girl who is being molested, gives herself over to the control of the molester. Once his seed is inside, she does not know where it goes or what it does, but it could be actively changing her in major ways. She may have conceived or even contracted an STC, but she will not know it for quite some time, or maybe soon.
Just as your natural body is fatigued after intercourse, an encounter with an Incubus or Succubus spirit will usually leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, because they steal virtue from you. In place of what they steal, they impregnate you with their seeds of perversion and lust. Remembering again the analogy of the abusive boyfriend or rapist, know that these spirits want to control you, subdue and make you feel worthless. Although they are skilled at causing extreme sexual pleasure, they make you feel miserable in every other way. The ecstasy that you experience with these spirits is usually exceedingly more intense than that of natural sex and is highly addictive. This induces guilt because of the pleasure your body experiences, lowering your resistance even more.
The purpose of them causing nightmare is to impregnate you with fear, therefore perverting your faith. One reason for this is that fear induces a desire to seek out comfort. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy and masturbation, bring about a temporary sense of false comfort. Therefore, by inducing fear these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to commit sexually perverse acts. But even more so than that, without faith it is impossible to please God. Which means to pervert your faith is to literally undermine your entire relationship with God and purpose for living. If it is true that all things are possible to them that believe, then the opposite is also true. Without faith we cannot believe anything, which means we cannot accomplish anything because nothing is possible to us in our subconscious minds. People that are afflicted by these spirits will experience a tremendous amount of failure and may even feel “cursed” with bad luck. It is not bad luck – it is simply that your belief system has been perverted.
WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Remember, my main point is that night demons are simply spirits of sexual lust. So bearing that in mind, let’s consider what lust really is.
Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure.
Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful manner. For example, to eat is a need for every human being; but to fulfill that need through gluttony (overeating) is lust. There is nothing sinful about our natural God-given sexual urges; but to fulfill those urges through masturbation and/or sexual perversion is lust. Any type of disobedience can give demons access to your body for its use. Deliverance DOES NOT WORK with Disobedience.
If you are truly serious about getting delivered from night demons then you are going to have to take accountability for not being in your place of authority over these spirits and allowing them access to your through your actions. You have to be willing to really examine your heart and your lifestyle in the light of God’s truth, and find that open door. Then slam that door shut for good and be free indeed, in the freedom of Christ Yeshua (Jesus)!!
Let me help you by listing some common, but often overlooked and not understood, doors for night demons.
Fornication = Fornication is a word that can cover any type or act of perversion including adultery, incest, homosexuality, etc. You relinquish your authority over sexual lust when you willfully involve yourself with sexual perversion.
Masturbation = Masturbation is particularly inviting when it comes to the invasion of night demons because through masturbation you sin against your own body and subject it to evil. You become a slave to sin through masturbation.
Pornography = Pornography is also particularly damaging when it comes to these attacks. Pornography is an act that specifically aims to contaminate your mind. The reason these spirits come primarily at night is because our conscious minds shut down when we are tired and when we are sleeping. It this leaves us vulnerable to their control and weakens our resistance to evil. Whatever we fill our minds with during our waking hours is what will reign over us while we sleep.
Unforgiveness & Bitterness = Unforgiveness cuts you off from God’s grace and therefore His ultimate protection. Bitterness gives access to every demon of hell to invade your temple and your life.
Carnality = Spending too much time doing non-spiritual activities – even if those activities are not sinful. Any activity that does not purposefully and deliberately build and edify your spirit in the things of God is carnal activity. Remember, we are vulnerable in our minds during the night hours or times of fatigue. That is when we must totally rely on the strength of our spirit man to keep us from evil. If we don’t build our spirit man up then it will not be strong enough to yield to the Holy Spirit and access His empowerment.
Fear & Doubt = Having fear and doubt in your life opens the door to these spirits because they thrive on fear and aim to increase fear in your life. They want you to be afraid because fear paralyzes you and robs you of your faith, which ultimately robs you of your relationship with God and your purpose.
Witchcraft = The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Rebellion is another word for Disobedience, so in all simplicity witchcraft is to go against God’s way to do it your own way. There are many manifestations of witchcraft that are overlooked such as – astrology, superstitions, chain letters, etc… An especially common but overlooked form of witchcraft is manipulation; manipulating our children and spouses and others that are close to us is so common and it leaves the door open for night demons to attack!
Molestation = Being molested open doors in three ways. First, it often attaches spirits of perversion to the victim. Secondly, it subjects the victim to a mindset of victimization. In other words, you constantly see yourself as a victim. Remember night demons are sexual aggressors and they want you to feel victimized. Thirdly, molestation is another doorway to fear in your life.
Abuse = Remember that these spirits are likened to abusive spouses and rapists, meaning to be a victim of domestic abuse can definitely introduce these spirits into your life. An abusive situation is a very comfortable environment for such demons.
Emotional Wounds = I say again that these demons are taking advantage of weaknesses. Being wounded leaves us weak and therefore leaves us vulnerable to these attacks. That is why it is so important to be healed.
Soul Ties = If you are soul tied to someone, or something, or some place; that causes you to be spiritually weak, or that is subject to sexual perversion or fear; you have now created an open door for night demons. When your Soultie is working, it is a easy transfer to and from the thing you are tied to.
Spiritual Warfare = The last thing that The Holy Spirit revealed to me is about spiritual warfare. Bearing in mind once again that night demons take advantage of the vulnerability that is a factor when we are sleeping, you have to remember that spiritual warfare causes spiritual weakness. We must be properly replenished in Word and in Worship after engaging in spiritual warfare. This is especially the case when we are warring specifically against spirits of sexual perversion!
It is important to remember that one of the first keys to deliverance from anything is understanding your enemy. You should always pray, not just for deliverance, but for understanding of your enemy. Remembering the purpose of an Incubus/Succubus spirit is to impregnate you, the main key to deliverance is to abort and/or to kill that which they have successfully planted in you. The assignment of every demon is to completely disconnect you from God Yahweh and see you eternally damned.
(Step 1) You must renounce not only the Incubus/Succubus spirits that have entered into your life, but you must renounce their works. You need to verbally destroy and renounce and murder everything that they have conceived within you and caused you to give birth to. If you fail to do this, they will always have access to you.
(Step 2) Depending on your level of bondage and what you are involved in sexually, it may take some time and effort to get complete deliverance. It is likely that after Step 1 you will have other encounters. If you do have an encounter with a night demon – IMMEDIATELY ABORT WHAT THEY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU. Think of it as taking a “morning after pill”.
(Step 3) DON’T EVER LET AN ATTACK CARRY ON WITHOUT CHALLENGING THE SPIRITS! When an attack begin, say verbally and out loud something like “I know what you are and what you are here for and I renounce you in Jesus name! My body does not belong to you. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus Name! I do not receive your seed into me and will not give birth to your offspring of evil”. As long as you don’t have any obvious open doors in your life, this will usually immediately bring under subjection any assault that takes place while you are awake. This includes those incredibly overwhelming sexual urges that come over you and cause you to have spontaneous orgasms or commit an act of perversion such as masturbation, pornography, or fornication.
(Step 4) For those attacks that occur while you are sleeping, renounce these spirits before you lay down and purpose in your subconscious mind to wake up if you start to have a sex dream or nightmare. When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY ABORT ANYTHING THAT THEY MAY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU!! This is so important. You cannot let their sees grow in you. KILL THE SEED! And DO NOT REPEAT what you have dreamed about to anyone (AT All). They want you to speak it out because the power of life and death is in your tongue. Speaking it out give birth to it. The words you say after an encounter can either give life to their seed, or bring death to their seed and that is why usually your first unction is to tell someone about it. FURTHERMORE, don’t rehearse the dream in your mind. Cast down the very thought of it from your conscious and subconscious mind.
(Step 5) IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CONSECRATE YOURSELF!!! Every spirit must be cast out of your life and every door closed as much as you are capable of doing. That means that you do not willfully involve yourself in anything at all that is sinful or ungodly. When you do fall or make a mistake, you must repent and get up quickly. Not that you will be perfect, NO ONE IS, but every sinful and carnal area of your life must be challenged to the max! This is especially true when you are in the midst of a deliverance process. That means that you should commit to fasting and praying, but also omit every evil influence from your life, people, places, things, habits and ESPECIALLY the media.
(STEP 6) Study books STD and Sexual Perversions. Remember, that any weakness in your life will invite these spirits to attack. You need to have a complete and full understanding of sexual intimacy, sexual activity, and sexual perversion – what it is, the purpose for it, and the remedy.
(STEP 7) Lastly I remind you once again that Incubus/Succubus are lust demons. Lust is a force that is ever-present in the earth realm and therefore is not something that you can say “I will never face this again.” Everyone is subject to the temptations and pressures of lust because it is the passion of Satan’s heart, and he is the prince of this world. Not everyone will fall victim, but everyone is subject! Even after you are delivered, anytime that you are spiritually weak it is possible, not likely, but possible, for you to have an encounter with a night demon. If this does happen once you are delivered, just remember to implement the steps above and watch your level of consecration always. You especially want to be mindful of the media that you expose yourself to, the people who you are around and any subtle forms of witchcraft that may be in your life (like horoscopes or manipulation).
In Jesus Yeshua Name, I pray your deliverance.
Pastor Samuel Williams
Do They Really Exist? Maybe you are wondering how it is possible for demon spirits to have intercourse with humans. Throughout the Bible there is plenty of evidence that spirits can take on some type of physical form and function as such. In the book of Genesis 6:1-2, it reads, And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them (2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
This means in laymen’s terms that demon spirits had sex with human women. Satan, who is a spirit, took on the physical form of a serpent and spoke to Eve (Rev 12:9, Gen 3:1-4). We see another case where God and some angels also took on physical forms and functioned as human beings. If you read in Genesis 18 & 19, you will find proof of this. In the text, The Lord and two angels manifest themselves as human beings. They actually talk, eat, rest, walk, have their feet washed and even sleep. This is proof that spirits can manifest themselves in physical form. There are other scriptures that make reference to this point as well. So there is no need to be mystified by these spirits; there is no question in my mind as to whether or not these spirits do indeed exist.
Whether or not you are being attacked by these spirits is usually pretty obvious. They manifest themselves to your conscious mind and cause you to experience all of the stimulation and physical feelings that take place during intercourse or sexual contact with a physical person. People are sometimes mystified by these spirits. The demons most often reveal themselves to people during the night-time hours, but can manifest themselves at any time of the day. Many people claim to actually see spirit bodies that come and subject them to various sexual acts. These spirits are often violent and will attack you, beating, choking and restrain you. They may even disturb things in your home and break things. Think of them as you would an extremely abusive sex partner or rapist and you will start to get a picture of what these spirits are all about.
Another effect these spirits have on people is causing overwhelming sexual urges in the body. You will know that you are being attacked by demons if the sexual urges are so strong that they completely take over your mind. This can happen at any time but tend to be most common when you are lying down or relaxing. You cannot think about anything else and it seems like nothing you do to make the urges go away work (i.e. a cold shower, involving yourself in another activity, shifting positions, etc.) It would seem that the only relief for the urge is to have an orgasm by any means necessary. Sometimes you will have the orgasm spontaneously and they are usually stronger than usual. If you have these type of urges THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. Now please understand that I am not saying that every powerful sexual urge in the body is due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal; or just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with your spouse. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning; at times that seem inappropriate; or without any external stimuli; and you simply cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know they are demonic.
Check Your Wet Dreams - They Might Be Caused By A Spiritual Spouse ... Beware Of These Night Demons! |
WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE? Looking at Genesis 6:4, we learn that the assignment of these demons is to impregnate you. (4) In those days, and even afterward, giants lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with human women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old. In this scripture we learn that when these demons had sex with these women that the women became pregnant and gave birth to abnormal children – perversions of nature. Incubus and Succubus are the same class of demons that operated in those times, only now they are looking to impregnate you with spiritual perversion.
Once the spirits get you sexually aroused or subdue you through violence, you let your conscious guards and defenses down. They are then able to plant their evils in your subconscious mind, where it will go unnoticed for a long time, while actively causing major damage. It is similar to how a woman who is enjoy intercourse completely gives herself to the man and allows him to plant in her anything that comes out of him. Or even how a girl who is being molested, gives herself over to the control of the molester. Once his seed is inside, she does not know where it goes or what it does, but it could be actively changing her in major ways. She may have conceived or even contracted an STC, but she will not know it for quite some time, or maybe soon.
Just as your natural body is fatigued after intercourse, an encounter with an Incubus or Succubus spirit will usually leave you feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, because they steal virtue from you. In place of what they steal, they impregnate you with their seeds of perversion and lust. Remembering again the analogy of the abusive boyfriend or rapist, know that these spirits want to control you, subdue and make you feel worthless. Although they are skilled at causing extreme sexual pleasure, they make you feel miserable in every other way. The ecstasy that you experience with these spirits is usually exceedingly more intense than that of natural sex and is highly addictive. This induces guilt because of the pleasure your body experiences, lowering your resistance even more.
The purpose of them causing nightmare is to impregnate you with fear, therefore perverting your faith. One reason for this is that fear induces a desire to seek out comfort. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy and masturbation, bring about a temporary sense of false comfort. Therefore, by inducing fear these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to commit sexually perverse acts. But even more so than that, without faith it is impossible to please God. Which means to pervert your faith is to literally undermine your entire relationship with God and purpose for living. If it is true that all things are possible to them that believe, then the opposite is also true. Without faith we cannot believe anything, which means we cannot accomplish anything because nothing is possible to us in our subconscious minds. People that are afflicted by these spirits will experience a tremendous amount of failure and may even feel “cursed” with bad luck. It is not bad luck – it is simply that your belief system has been perverted.
WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Remember, my main point is that night demons are simply spirits of sexual lust. So bearing that in mind, let’s consider what lust really is.
Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure.
Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful manner. For example, to eat is a need for every human being; but to fulfill that need through gluttony (overeating) is lust. There is nothing sinful about our natural God-given sexual urges; but to fulfill those urges through masturbation and/or sexual perversion is lust. Any type of disobedience can give demons access to your body for its use. Deliverance DOES NOT WORK with Disobedience.
If you are truly serious about getting delivered from night demons then you are going to have to take accountability for not being in your place of authority over these spirits and allowing them access to your through your actions. You have to be willing to really examine your heart and your lifestyle in the light of God’s truth, and find that open door. Then slam that door shut for good and be free indeed, in the freedom of Christ Yeshua (Jesus)!!
Let me help you by listing some common, but often overlooked and not understood, doors for night demons.
Fornication = Fornication is a word that can cover any type or act of perversion including adultery, incest, homosexuality, etc. You relinquish your authority over sexual lust when you willfully involve yourself with sexual perversion.
Masturbation = Masturbation is particularly inviting when it comes to the invasion of night demons because through masturbation you sin against your own body and subject it to evil. You become a slave to sin through masturbation.
Pornography = Pornography is also particularly damaging when it comes to these attacks. Pornography is an act that specifically aims to contaminate your mind. The reason these spirits come primarily at night is because our conscious minds shut down when we are tired and when we are sleeping. It this leaves us vulnerable to their control and weakens our resistance to evil. Whatever we fill our minds with during our waking hours is what will reign over us while we sleep.
Unforgiveness & Bitterness = Unforgiveness cuts you off from God’s grace and therefore His ultimate protection. Bitterness gives access to every demon of hell to invade your temple and your life.
Carnality = Spending too much time doing non-spiritual activities – even if those activities are not sinful. Any activity that does not purposefully and deliberately build and edify your spirit in the things of God is carnal activity. Remember, we are vulnerable in our minds during the night hours or times of fatigue. That is when we must totally rely on the strength of our spirit man to keep us from evil. If we don’t build our spirit man up then it will not be strong enough to yield to the Holy Spirit and access His empowerment.
Fear & Doubt = Having fear and doubt in your life opens the door to these spirits because they thrive on fear and aim to increase fear in your life. They want you to be afraid because fear paralyzes you and robs you of your faith, which ultimately robs you of your relationship with God and your purpose.
Witchcraft = The Bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Rebellion is another word for Disobedience, so in all simplicity witchcraft is to go against God’s way to do it your own way. There are many manifestations of witchcraft that are overlooked such as – astrology, superstitions, chain letters, etc… An especially common but overlooked form of witchcraft is manipulation; manipulating our children and spouses and others that are close to us is so common and it leaves the door open for night demons to attack!
Molestation = Being molested open doors in three ways. First, it often attaches spirits of perversion to the victim. Secondly, it subjects the victim to a mindset of victimization. In other words, you constantly see yourself as a victim. Remember night demons are sexual aggressors and they want you to feel victimized. Thirdly, molestation is another doorway to fear in your life.
Abuse = Remember that these spirits are likened to abusive spouses and rapists, meaning to be a victim of domestic abuse can definitely introduce these spirits into your life. An abusive situation is a very comfortable environment for such demons.
Emotional Wounds = I say again that these demons are taking advantage of weaknesses. Being wounded leaves us weak and therefore leaves us vulnerable to these attacks. That is why it is so important to be healed.
Soul Ties = If you are soul tied to someone, or something, or some place; that causes you to be spiritually weak, or that is subject to sexual perversion or fear; you have now created an open door for night demons. When your Soultie is working, it is a easy transfer to and from the thing you are tied to.
Spiritual Warfare = The last thing that The Holy Spirit revealed to me is about spiritual warfare. Bearing in mind once again that night demons take advantage of the vulnerability that is a factor when we are sleeping, you have to remember that spiritual warfare causes spiritual weakness. We must be properly replenished in Word and in Worship after engaging in spiritual warfare. This is especially the case when we are warring specifically against spirits of sexual perversion!
It is important to remember that one of the first keys to deliverance from anything is understanding your enemy. You should always pray, not just for deliverance, but for understanding of your enemy. Remembering the purpose of an Incubus/Succubus spirit is to impregnate you, the main key to deliverance is to abort and/or to kill that which they have successfully planted in you. The assignment of every demon is to completely disconnect you from God Yahweh and see you eternally damned.
(Step 1) You must renounce not only the Incubus/Succubus spirits that have entered into your life, but you must renounce their works. You need to verbally destroy and renounce and murder everything that they have conceived within you and caused you to give birth to. If you fail to do this, they will always have access to you.
(Step 2) Depending on your level of bondage and what you are involved in sexually, it may take some time and effort to get complete deliverance. It is likely that after Step 1 you will have other encounters. If you do have an encounter with a night demon – IMMEDIATELY ABORT WHAT THEY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU. Think of it as taking a “morning after pill”.
(Step 3) DON’T EVER LET AN ATTACK CARRY ON WITHOUT CHALLENGING THE SPIRITS! When an attack begin, say verbally and out loud something like “I know what you are and what you are here for and I renounce you in Jesus name! My body does not belong to you. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus Name! I do not receive your seed into me and will not give birth to your offspring of evil”. As long as you don’t have any obvious open doors in your life, this will usually immediately bring under subjection any assault that takes place while you are awake. This includes those incredibly overwhelming sexual urges that come over you and cause you to have spontaneous orgasms or commit an act of perversion such as masturbation, pornography, or fornication.
(Step 4) For those attacks that occur while you are sleeping, renounce these spirits before you lay down and purpose in your subconscious mind to wake up if you start to have a sex dream or nightmare. When you wake up, IMMEDIATELY ABORT ANYTHING THAT THEY MAY HAVE PLANTED IN YOU!! This is so important. You cannot let their sees grow in you. KILL THE SEED! And DO NOT REPEAT what you have dreamed about to anyone (AT All). They want you to speak it out because the power of life and death is in your tongue. Speaking it out give birth to it. The words you say after an encounter can either give life to their seed, or bring death to their seed and that is why usually your first unction is to tell someone about it. FURTHERMORE, don’t rehearse the dream in your mind. Cast down the very thought of it from your conscious and subconscious mind.
(Step 5) IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CONSECRATE YOURSELF!!! Every spirit must be cast out of your life and every door closed as much as you are capable of doing. That means that you do not willfully involve yourself in anything at all that is sinful or ungodly. When you do fall or make a mistake, you must repent and get up quickly. Not that you will be perfect, NO ONE IS, but every sinful and carnal area of your life must be challenged to the max! This is especially true when you are in the midst of a deliverance process. That means that you should commit to fasting and praying, but also omit every evil influence from your life, people, places, things, habits and ESPECIALLY the media.
(STEP 6) Study books STD and Sexual Perversions. Remember, that any weakness in your life will invite these spirits to attack. You need to have a complete and full understanding of sexual intimacy, sexual activity, and sexual perversion – what it is, the purpose for it, and the remedy.
(STEP 7) Lastly I remind you once again that Incubus/Succubus are lust demons. Lust is a force that is ever-present in the earth realm and therefore is not something that you can say “I will never face this again.” Everyone is subject to the temptations and pressures of lust because it is the passion of Satan’s heart, and he is the prince of this world. Not everyone will fall victim, but everyone is subject! Even after you are delivered, anytime that you are spiritually weak it is possible, not likely, but possible, for you to have an encounter with a night demon. If this does happen once you are delivered, just remember to implement the steps above and watch your level of consecration always. You especially want to be mindful of the media that you expose yourself to, the people who you are around and any subtle forms of witchcraft that may be in your life (like horoscopes or manipulation).
In Jesus Yeshua Name, I pray your deliverance.
Pastor Samuel Williams