Testimony: In 2015 Pastor Benny Hinn had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital for heart surgery and while in the hospital he had a dream. In the dream he found himself in a long queue at the gate of Heaven and everyone was dressed in a white garment.
At the gate was Jesus Christ dressed in a shiny sparkling white garment different from everyone and beside him Pastor Benny Hinn saw a woman that was playing a piano. Jesus would nod his head in signal as to whether a person was accepted or shake his head if they were denied to entry to Heaven. If it was a yes, the pianist would play glorious melodies and the glory was overwhelming and the gates would automatically open but if it was denied, the pianist would play horrible melodies and demons would come to take the person away to Hell.He says, out of the whole queue only 20 percent entered Heaven while shockingly 80 percent were denied and turn away to Hellfire.
They were all Christians and the queue had many pastors but only 20 percent entered heaven. He says everyone was trembling as they were waiting on the queue for judgment.
He says eventually he came to the top of the queue and the pianist knew Pastor Benny and smiled at him in admiration of his record amongst the people on earth. But when Jesus looked at Benny Hinn, his look revealed he was not impressed with Pastor Benny Hinn, and Pastor Hinn says he was trembling and fear had increased knowing that he would not be able to make it through that gate. When Jesus was about to make his decision, he suddenly woke up and God said to him, "DON'T BLOW UP THIS TIME. THIS IS YOUR SECOND CHANCE". Pastor Benny Hinn was shocked.
The God Of A Second Chance - A Testimony of Pastor Benny Hinn On His Tour to South Africa |
He then explained something that every long serving christian need to take note of. He said all through his ministry, he had two ministry duties, one was to serve the people with his gift that God has given him, preaching and working in the gifts of healing and miracles. The other ministry was his personal walk with God, his fellowship with God on everyday basis.
He said from 2010 as he passed through a divorce (he later reconciled and remarried his wife), his relationship with God became dead and God was far away from him. He says through the divorce he lost about 7 million dollars and his house and his relationship with God was gone.
The amazing thing is that he says when he knew that he was away from God, he saw many miracles in his ministry. He says that, he pretended before the people as if he is with God and yet he was not. Remember the gifts of God are without repentance that is to say whether you are with God or not the gift will still work, but to enter the gate of heaven, it will be your relationship with God ie your right standing and steadfastness with God through Jesus Christ.
As to pretence, it is not only Pastor Benny Hinn but any christian can become used to the things of God and eventually pretence becomes his everyday walk before the people and one minds more the opinion that the crowds hold on him than what God says.
He says since God has given him a second chance, he repented and returned to his first love of Jesus. He changed his focus from the crowds and their opinions, and the size of his ministry, to focus on his personal relationship with God so that he will enter that Heavenly gate.
The question is if Pastor Benny Hinn was trembling and sweating at the gate in fear that he would not make it, what about you when you stand before God? When everything is revealed with no place to hide? Will you enter or be cast away?
If we think because of our long serving in the church, position in the church, attendance, preaching, works or miracle performances, I think Benny Hinn has out done most of us and yet God's acceptance at the gate is not based on these.
PHILIPPIANS 2:12-13 says, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."
God has not given him alone this second chance but he has given this second chances to the whole body of christ world wide to walk home into his arms through his grace and mercy before the door closes which is very shortly.
Regardless of anyones opinions about Benny Hinn and his ministry, God has used him in this case because of his influence and the public opinion that people has on him and of how much an individual would then realise of his short fall before that eternal gate. God is no respecter of persons, His judgment is true and true for all. Its time to seek repentance before God, its time to drop down titles given by men in search for God's mercy that enables one to enter through that gate to heaven.
It is time for evangelising and awakening of our souls. When the trumpet sounds and the roll is called, may our names be on the list and may we have the Godly strength to escape ANY worldly sin or distractions that will prevent us from entering the gate of Heaven in Jesus saving Name AMEN.
Matt 7, 21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
"Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent." Revelation 2:4-5