When A Mother Prays

Every mother has a responsibility to pray for her children, because if a mother is not praying for her children then there is a huge possibility that no one else is. The woman is the key intercessor of the Family in the same way the man is the key blesser of the family.

When a woman Intercedes, she must intercede from the following places:

a. Faith - There should be no shadow of doubt that God will come through.

b. Authority - By virtue you call yourself a mother, by way of adoption or by natural birth, you have authority in your child’s life.
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c. Connection - when a mother is selfless, she is better able to empathize and connect with her child and when she connects she sits where the child is sitting and prays from a place of understanding.

d. Truth - Never pray with your head buried in the sand, pray truthful and sincere prayers about your children.

e. Strength - Strengthen your will, be bold and courageous in prayer because a time will come as a mother you must pray dangerous prayers for your children.

These three things happen when a mother intercedes:

1. She Protects her children and preserves a whole generation: She will be able to counter the plans and attacks of the enemy over her family. You do not need to be perfect to stand in the gap - It was by the intercession of Rahab that her family was preserved. It was by the intercession of the mother of Moses that Moses was preserved. When a woman stands in the gap the Lord will provide the way out of the jaws of darkness for her family.

2. She positions her children for blessings: It is the prayers and intercession of a mother that leads to her children being at the right place at the right time. As a mother pray for your children to be positioned. It is the intercession of a mother that positioned Jacob for a blessing from Isaac.

3. She preserves the destiny of her children: It is important to note that throughout scripture, the mothers were always told by God about their children and it was the business of the mother to stand in the gap until God’s promises were realized. The mother is a destiny protector through her intercessions because all decisions she makes about her children should be based on what God has said about them. We can draw examples from Mary who received the promise about Jesus, the wife of Manoah who got the word on Samson, as well as Rebekah who received the word about Jacob.

(Please tag or share with other mum friends)

By Victor Salamba
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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