Double Honour Servants of God - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo

Book Endorsement: I have been in ministry for three decades plus now, and have read many books on ministry development. In that time, I got to see Minsters of the Gospel challenged and get frustrated in continuing to minister.

This is mostly over the concern of their personal, family and ministry welfare, as they fully commit to the calling of god in their lives. My library is full of books that teach on most aspects of Christian ministry, but I have not come across many that have exhaustively tackled the issue of Honouring the Servants of God that do the work of ministry. Apostle Pride Sibiya, has been instrument to address this issue in this book.
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
I had the privilege to read this book before print, and I found so much depth of needful information for our church leadership and membership that helps the Minister of the Gospel to do Ministry with Joy. This is a major concern for ministers of the Gospel who are truly committed to Kingdom work, without their followers understanding what they go through in delivering ministry to them without being appreciated.

And to those already doing it, this book is a reminder that you are doing a noble thing to rally behind and support every Servant of God who is in the field of our heavenly fathers business. As you read this book, may the Holy Spirit compel you to be the pillar of support of your Servant of God in whatever church you go to. To Apostle Sibiya, may the good Lord continue to use you in writing more books that are of benefit to the body of Christ at large.

Bish Nelson Nzvimbo (Ablaze International Ministries)

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Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
Double Honour Servants of God By Apostle P. Sibiya - Book Endorsement By Bishop Nelson Nzvimbo
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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