Three Ways To Prepare For Your Husband Sexually

It is common knowledge that sex is a man’s primary way to feel and express his love for his wife, while women need to connect emotionally to enjoy it. Sexual release is so vital to a man that it can actually be frustrating for him. 

He’s driven to pursue sex, yet has a deep fear of coming across as a pervert.

So, what happens when a wife decides to withhold her physical body from her husband? Verse five of 1 Corinthians 7 shines a little light on this. “Do not deprive each other…so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

The enemy knows your husband’s sexual drive just as much as you do. The enemy also knows that if your husband goes unfulfilled in this area, he is easy prey for temptation.

It is a foolish game we play when we purposely withhold ourselves in the name of revenge, disdain, laziness or tiredness and then expect him to withstand all manner of temptations.
I’m not suggesting that if your husband falls to an extra marital affair that it’s all your fault. No. Ultimately, he needs to make the call whether or not to keep himself pure before the Lord.

I am suggesting, however, that by blessing your husband with your body, if your husband should fall short of his marriage vows, you will be able to stand faultless before the Lord. You can only be responsible for your own choices.

So choose to honour God and your husband with your body. I know how hard that can be when you are in the middle of the child rearing days and sleepless nights.

I also know menopause and age bring on their own set of struggles in the bedroom.

Here are a 3 practical tactics that have helped me be better prepare for my husband.

1. Prepare Mentally: Our largest sex organ is the brain. Try to be aware of his need. Calculate his frequency, and make pointed efforts to rest up or plan for those times. Being mentally prepared will help you respond more willingly and not leave him feeling like he is intruding on you. An air of begrudgement or reluctancy takes away the intended fulfillment and blessing sex is designed to provide for both of you.

A few ideas:
a. Text him something flirty.
b. Look through a photo album together or recall a few great moments of your dating life.
c. Serve dinner in candlelight - who cares if its mac-n-cheese and the kids are there? That’s the stuff that makes lifetime memories.
d. Think on a few good qualities about your husband. This will enhance your appreciation for him.

2. Prepare Physically: Most women feel more confident when they are clean and dressed for the occasion. So, use ten minutes to prepare yourself for him. Take a shower, shave, wear a little something, (or a little nothing!) just for him. You will find it easier to relax and enjoy your Marriage Bed more. And your husband will be so blessed and thankful to unwrap the gift of you.

3. Prepare Initiation: Many husbands feel insecure or inadequate in initiating his desire for his wife without feeling like he is imposing on her. A wife can help alleviate this internal battle for him by occasionally initiating sex. And if you’ve been married for any length of time, you know it doesn’t take long before your husband takes your sweet and flirty to some kind of fiery spice!

So go initiate some sizzle with your man!

Remember Jesus Christ is Lord and about to come. Receive him and keep your marriage and life holy. Be in Church this weekend.
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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