A Must Read - Sei Zvako Zviri Kurwadza

Shumba yakasiya baba namai vaSamson ikanangana naSamson... ko kana yaida nyama then baba or Mai vaSamson were the best people to attack (Judges 14:5) ... coz Samson was just a young man by then ... Uri kuona pane nyaya ndepapa, satan haana kupusa, he will not attack people with no power of God in them ...

Apa shumba yaida kuparadza the one who had God's power in him ... Usanetseke hama kana satan achikurwisa zvakanyanya, it shows kuti une huMwari huri mauri ... Vamwe hupenyu hunoita mutserendende coz satan haanei navo, they are not a threat to his kingdom ... Manje iwewe neanointing iri pauri iyi satan ari kushaya hope ...That's why he is attacking your marriage, finances, kids, work, relationships, health, ministry, e.t.c ... ari kuda kuuraya chakadyarwa naMwari mauri... But the devil is LIAR ... Just keep pressing on!!
A Must Read - Sei Zvako Zviri Kurwadza

Yakatombomudzingirira kwazvo shumba iye Samson... At first akatomborova bara kutiza, kudoti pamai panadaddy shumba ikati nanga nanga naye (Judges 14)... akati musango tande shumba ikati zvanaka musango ndimo mangu nhasi ndinomuita kanyama kanyama... shoko roti iro "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 ...

But it got to a point where Samson said ENOUGH is ENOUGH, you have been chasing me for too long... I have tolerated you for too long... he turned around and faced the lion ... with the power invested by God in him, he tore the lion apart into pieces with his bare hands ... ndasvika pandave kunzwisisa kuti it's time to tell the devil that ENOUGH is ENOUGH ... he has chased your life for too long now... it's time to make a u-turn, face him, say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and take him head on... satan haasi mukwasha wekumba kwenyu - ita kumudambura nepakati... zvako zvaakatora must come back - ENOUGH is ENOUGH... DECLARE IT NOW!

Receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, go to church and share this message, you never know how much someone needs it!
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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