4 Types Of People That Must Stand With The Servant Of God

In the word of God we see that Jesus had many partners who helped support his ministry: “And it came to pass afterwards, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God and the twelve were with him. 

And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils and Joanna the wife of Chuza Herods steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance ” (Luke 8:1-3).

1. Mary Magdalene. This lady had a serious deliverance case which had seven demons fighting against her. After being delivered in the ministry of Pastor Jesus she made a decision to support his ministry. While a pastor should never charge for his services, those who have been blessed by his ministry must make a plan to also be a blessing to the servant of God: “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?” (1 Corinthians 9:11). Are you a Mary Magdalene who got blessed by the ministry of a servant of God? Make a plan to support them.

2. Joanna. This lady was married to a high-ranking officer within the political system of the day. She is not mentioned as having had a problem in her life nor that Jesus had personally ministered to her. She probably saw how God had already blessed her family and just felt the need to support the work of God. She represents people who are in the civil service, relatives of those in high echelons of society, those with connections to business people or themselves in business. Everyone has been put where they are by God so that they may support the Kingdom of God. Use whatever connection you have to support the servants of God whether there is something you feel you are benefitting or not in the Church. For some, you do not even go to that church yet you know you have capacity to build that work through your donations. Has God blessed you in life? Why not take that step today to support the ministry of a servant of God?
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3. Susanna. While others have had descriptions of who they are, Susanna does not. You are free to conclude about her. She may be the businesswoman, the single mother, the engineer, the clerk, land-owner, merchandiser, the secretary or just someone who is making money informally. These also are called upon to honour the servant of God by supporting the work of God financially.

4. Many others. This phrase suggests that every other person who would not fit in the above categories was afforded a chance to support Pastor Jesus. Everyone whether part of the church or not has to “double honour” God’s servants on the earth. One bishop was given a Mercedes Benz by a drunkard who said, he just felt compelled in his heart to do so.

Out of the four above, dear reader, choose the group that you belong to and start supporting the servants of God and the work of God.

Off Apostle Pride Sibiya's book latest book "Double Honour Servants Of God: Blessing Through Honouring Servants Of God"(2017). For get get a full copy!
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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