2. Chinotambwa sei mazuvaano? Kumhanyidzana, kutsvinyirana, kurovana-rovana,kutaura zvebonde, in some areas , kutukana zvinyadzi hardcore, kugarirana pamakumbo, kudhonzana mazamu, kurovana magadzikoo,kupakisana chikafu etc.
3. Chokwadi hechino; Mukadzi wese ane mafeelings,murume wese ane mafeelings. Tese pano I'm very definite, very certain kuti feeling rekunzwa kuda bonde tinoriziva zvarinoita.
Murume is turned on nemanzwi ezvinyadzi. Ukataura zvinyadzi hardcore kumurume nhengo yake inomira. Ukazomubata worse.
Mukadzi wese anotomutswa nekubatwa-batwa.
Vanabamudiki vanowanzotamba chimwaramu nanamaiguru vavari sexually attracted to!
Timbokurukura Chiramu |
Only 5 said they feel nothing at all.
With such background to the human anatomy, chiramu hachikurudzirwi. In our own African culture chiramu was confined to kutsvinyirana chete kwete kubatana or kurara mese, saka chiramu chavekuitwa mazuva ano hachisi chiramu chaatova chihure chaicho. Apostle Pride Sibiya always says, "Sex is consummation of an inaugural process of looks, flirting, touching, kissing and petting. If you want to stop the consequence, do not start the process."
4. Shoko chairo haritenderi that culture. Haufanire kubata-bata kana kubatwa nemunhu asina kukuroora or wausina kuroora kana kutaura zvemubedroom etc. "Flee sexualimmorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body." (1 Corinthians 6:18)..."Thou shalt not take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakenes, besides the other in her lifetime." (Leviticus 18:18).
Let us receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour and live to please God.
This weekend be in Church and PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS!