2)When a senior pastor come up with a suggestion ,new idea or vision he has no comment to -either good or bad.
3) A bad assistant is often thinking ,I would be a better head pastor if I had a chance"
4) A bad assistant wants to have all that his head pastor has
5) He is more concern about raising his image rather than being concerned about raising the image of his head.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills |
7) A bad assistant sees all the faults and mistakes in the senior pastor's life.He rarely sees any good thing.
8) A disloyal assistant notice the good attributes of external ministers ,but never speak positive about his own head pastor.
9) A bad assistant constantly listens to tapes from external ministers and learn from them .But he never listens to his own head pastor's tapes.
10) A disaffected associate always feels that things should be done in a different way.TO BE CONTINUED
Bishop Dag Heward Mills.