Apostle Pride Sibiya Speaks On The Watershed Moments - There Is Hope, Zimbabwe! #Tiyambuke2017 Updates

Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:16; Genesis 6:4; Matthew 9:30

When only one seed enters a woman's body as small as it is, the whole body changes. The eating habits change, the sleeping habits, the skin texture, mumwe anobva ashata mumwe owedzera kunaka. All this just because of ONE SEED.

The Word of God is like a seed if spoken and released everything changes.

I like a man called Peter after fishing for the whole night but At Jesus's Word he went again to cast the nets.

We have a the story of Moses where God told Him I have heard the suffering of my Children. You know how hard it is to tell people who have been suffering for 400 years that Tave Kuyambuka. You become like a fool.
Apostle Pride Sibiya Speaks On The Watershed Moments - There Is Hope, Zimbabwe! #Tiyambuke2017 Updates
Now I have been writing on my blog that THERE IS HOPE FOR ZIMBABWE! and people were saying that its a false prophecy we have been in this situation for too long.

Let me tell you about Isaiah he prophecies about a virgin giving birth to a Son, he saw it but he died being called a false prophet because in 400 years it did not happen.

I am saying there is hope for Zimbabwe!

When the WATERSHED moment happens in your life everything about your can change overnight.

I remember what happened in Egypt in one night Israel was given all the wealth by Egyptians.

This is the last phase of the 7th wealth transfer where great wealth shall come to the house of the Lord kuti tipendere basa rake.

Now Zimbabwe on itself is last on the alphabetical order but the bible says The first shall be last.
The Children of Israel were going to a nation that flows honey and milk, but the country that they were going to has the best part of it as desert and it my seem as if God is confused but right now as we speak the biggest super power in the world bases its wealth on the money of Jews.

In Psalms David says there is a river in Israel in prophecy. Only recently they discovered that there is a river that runs through Israel.

After the Jews had crossed over into Israel, Joshua was 80 years  then a lot of Jews had died in the wilderness so no one really remembered what had happened. But Joshua said the prophet of the Lord gave the word that I will have this mountain and this portion of land so "given this mountain"

This is the word of God being declared upon Zimbabwe, The time yekuti TIYAMBUKE is now. THERE IS HOPE FOR ZIMBABWE.

The servant of the Lord said many other things I just could not continue typing please seek for this video. Follow Tiyambuke online as well to get updates on this message.
Apostle Pride Sibiya Speaks On The Watershed Moments - There Is Hope, Zimbabwe! #Tiyambuke2017 Updates 
Apostle Pride Sibiya Speaks On The Watershed Moments - There Is Hope, Zimbabwe! #Tiyambuke2017 Updates 
Apostle Pride Sibiya Speaks On The Watershed Moments - There Is Hope, Zimbabwe! #Tiyambuke2017 Updates 
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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