2. The one who is used in the dimension of miracles is just a vessel and should never transform himself into a 'messiah figure'
3. Miracles are there to demonstrate the power of God and are from God. The tendency to imply as if the miracles are from the vessel is heretic and leads people into error
4. The vessels being used in miracles should never use the miracles for competition against each other. We are one family and God is never divided.
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Daniel Kolenda is being used mightly of God and does not take God's honour. |
6. The Kingdom of God is not only about miracles. Neglecting other important components like teaching will raise generation of Christians who are after miracles only and not built up. Coming for a service every time and then start to demonstrate power then close the service without teaching the Word may raise a lot questions as to the intentions of such.
7. Miracles should never operate in a vacuum. Miracles should come and have a basis on the word of God. This tendency of hiding behind and twisting scriptures in the context of 'greater works' and 'I can do all things' without proper basis of the word may sway people. Greater works does not and never means satanic, demonic, strange and weird performances. Trying to 'reinvent' will lead many to seek extra-Biblical or extra magical power to prove such.
8. Demonstrating the power of God is not a time for drama and stage performance. It is a time of doing the work of God. We should never abuse people's time, resources and patience in the name of trying to demonstrate the power of God. After all miracles and prophecy should never be used to corner to believe the vessel [mark not God] and then siphon money from them
9. People are His people not our people. This tendency of trying to own people is demonic and sinister
10. Miracles and the prophetic should NOT be residing in the manipulation and intimidation character of the vessel. Never try to force a person to admit he or she has been healed when he or she is not. Healing is not from the vessel but from God. The issue of leading questions with the aim of sprucing the name of the church or the man of God like 'Now you are healed, what do you say about the church or the man of God' is not well placed. Praises should go back to the MIRACLE WORKER- GOD.
(c) John Museredzo 2015 +263712154277 KINGDOM LIFESTYLE