Who wouldn't want to hear God speak to him or her? Yet we make terrible mistakes when it comes to hearing God. " God speaks once, yea twice but man do not perceive." (Job 33:14)
For me the greatest mistake when people want to hear the voice of God is having wrong preconceived ideas. When a servant of God stands up to say, “When I was praying in the mountains God spoke…God has spoken to me,” many ideas rush to people’s minds. People will think that everytime when a person has heard from God it must have been an audible voice. This leads many people to ignore the “simple” ways in which God speaks to them waiting for the classical moment when they will hear the voice of God as that of a trumpet blast.
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The sole solution to this is to change your mindset. Have a universal and sovereign view of God. He being universal means that God does not live in the four-corners of our imagination but is a God who rules and reigns within and without the universe. In short God is bigger that what you think, He cannot be restricted to what you think is the correct way for him to (do things and) speak. Never limit God!
That God is sovereign means that God has the authority to choose how he does things. You do not dictate how God should (do things and) speak to you. He is sovereign. Did you know that even fasting is not, only, to be seen as a way of arm-twisting God to do what He does not want; it is a way of arm-twisting our flesh to align to His divine purposes!
Now armed with this solution change your mindset and expect God to speak to you anytime, anyhow, any place!
By Pride Sibiya