The Bible is very clear about God is sending us pastors to be with God's people. One powerful scripture is from Jeremiah 3:15:
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." ;A pastor is very crucial to your spiritual walk with Christ and will help you in many ways.
Check These 5 Reasons Why You Need A Good Pastor? |
1. They give you spiritual food and water you with the Word of God. Your spirit just like your natural body needs nourishment. You cannot live a long time without this. In the natural you need a good cook to get you great meals. Even in the spirit a pastor, a shepherd will make you lie in green pastures and lead you to still waters. (Psalm 23:1-2)
2. The lead you. Everyone, in life needs, a leader. even when you are a leader yourself, you still need a leader. God has put pastors to lead every person in the world to their destiny through paths of righteousness. When you have a pastor your soul is continually refreshed. (Psalm 23:3)
3. They provide spiritual covering even in the most distressing walks of life. There is nothing as terrifying as death...death of marriage, death of business, death of your destiny, physical death. Even in the valley of death, the shepherd assures you that "the shadow is proof that there is the Light (Jesus Christ) nearer than the darkness of the valley of death (Psalm 23:4). Their rod and staff are there to protect you.
4. They provide platforms and release God's anointing and abundance. Shepherds are designed by God to release you into your destiny providing the necessary place and power to accomplish in life and ministry. Your prosperity is built inside of them (2 Chronicles 20:20) and your cup will run over. (Psalm 23:5)
5. They encourage you to focus on God's house, the embassy of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Your shepherded life will be followed by goodness and mercy (Psalm 23:6) Jehovah God is the Ultimate Shepherd. We thank God that He has also given us all people among us to be extensions of God's heart and pastoral duties. This Sunday go to a good church and get your own good pastor.
Apostle Pride Sibiya