Woman Shares On 5 Things Men Must Know About Sex

Men usually feel they know a lot about sex. However women usually have a different conclusion to the whole issue.

1. Listen- listen to what her body is telling you, not what you think will excite her. Because what works for Jane may not work for Chipo and neither will it work for Tracy but might work for Rudo. And if u find her sensitive spots, work on those but not kuzoita sika sika nazvo. Excitement inobva yapera. Unomboita tease her on those spots. And if she doesn’t like a certain move wosiyawo kwete kuti sika sika nazvo nekuti zvaipengesa Jane.

2. Be smart- hygiene is very important and it shouldn’t be one sided kuti mukadzi ndiye anofanira kungogeza nhengo yake. Brush your teeth, shave your arm pits and use roll on, especially for active people so that u just safe guard yourself. Don’t wear one pair of socks the whole week. Masocks achipa aya. Also put powder in yo shoes just before wearing them and have days when you aerate them. Also take to wearing open shoes sometimes. If u smoke just keep mamints mahalls aye ari powerful that u chew here and there and brush your teeth more times than non smokers. You want your patner kuti anakirwe nekiss yako ka?
Woman Shares On 5 Things Men Must Know About Sex
3. Know your game. I know every person is unique but find out kuti zvinoitwa sei and what turns u on yourself. Dzidza kuti zamu rinobatwa sei, what positions there are out there, rhythm yakamira sei. Talk to yo friends about sex usazviite shasha and think youu know it all. Read godly books about sex( if u are reading this you are in the right direction).

4. Be sensitive- understand her mood, calm the fears, reassure her. Make sure her mind is ready for it. Ukamubata zvisirizvo be quick to correct it. Know kuti haasati ava lubricated so that usangobairira.

5. Be assertive- Take charge. Its so sexy for a man to be in charge of a situation. Kwete kuita kunge unotya kumubata. Kuita kunge usingazive zvauri kuita. Even if u are not sure of what you are doing just be confident and it will work wonders.

Tisakanganwe that we are not here to stay for eternity ... Jesus Christ is coming. While we enjoy our married lives let us also have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ as both Lord and Saviour. This weekend decide to start going to Church with your family!

Women can you write and share what real sex is so men may know!

Adopted By Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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