Most ladies have loved so dearly and their hearts have been broken too many times. They have done everything humanely possible to keep their guys but all in vain.
Some ladies have been in relationships like 4 times and for some 6 or more times. It is therefore common to hear most ladies say that ... All Men Are The Same. Some even say their heart is closed till further noticed while others have vouched not to ever give their heart to any guy again.
Good men still exist. |
Some guys have made huge sacrifices of their lives to prove their love to their ladies. Some have paid rents, school fees, feeding fees, etc all in the name of love only to find that the lady he is dying for is busily getting married to another person. It hurts but I don't recommend KILLING! my point is ... there are still some good guys out there!
Look around, though rare but it's real to find a single father taking care of the children without any help. He gives great care and love to the kids just as a true mother would. There are still some good guys out there! Most often than not ... it isn't that wrong people come your way BUT the kind of things you do to ATTRACT wrong people into your life ... dressing, make up, behaviour, etc. How you go about these things will to a large extent determine the kind of people that come to you.
Lastly ... Most ladies do not take their time but simply jump into the relationship or do so out of pity but not love.
Look and you shall FIND because there are still some good guys OUT THERE! Comment and like and connect with me in faith as I pray for your breakthrough in this area!
Adopted By Apostle Pride Sibiya