In my years as a believer and a minister of the word, I have seen many people sleeping in church. In these years, I have also made it a point that I do not sleep in church.
I am very much inspired by the church life of Apostle Ezekiel Guti. In a conference which he may not be actively participating, you see him wide awake and actively listening to the proceedings of the conference. At that age (94) it is very much inspirational. I have seen that many people sleep in church, especially during the session of preaching of the Word of God.Many people sleep in church services |
1. Lack of discipline and concentration: Church is serious business which needs concentration and discipline.
2. The PREACHER: It may be surprising. Yes some preachers are not appealing especially in their presentation. Some preachers don’t preach the Word. They put people off and people switch off.
3. Spiritual attacks: Many believers are not aware that the devil knows that if we get the word we will be strong. He makes sure you are sleepy in church. Have you ever observed that sometimes after the church, the sleepy feeling goes? That’s the devil.
4. Lack of preparedness: Sometimes we come to church hurriedly. We are disorganized. We are not fresh. As soon as we get in the church auditorium we feel sleepy. Church need to be prepared for.
5. Lack of expectancy: We should come to church with expectation. We must expect God to move, we must expect new things, we must expect healing and so on. If you just come to church without expectation, you don’t look forward to it. Some are just forced to come to church.
6. Communicating something: Some can sleep in church as a sign of boycott or disinterest of what will be going on. For example it could be giving time; someone may sleep so that it can pass. Therefore, some sleep as a communicating gesture.
7. Sickness and age: Some sleep in church because they are sick or they are in old age. However in my time and experience in ministry I have also seen that old age influence these can be suppressed. I say so, seeing the life of Apostle Ezekiel Guti.
About the author: John Museredzo is | an author | motivational speaker | pastor | life coach | business consultant | blogger. He is an author of 6 books to date including The Dream In The Wilderness; Youth, Relationships and Marriage, In Pursuit of The Calling and Success Within Reach. He also does articles and seminars online and in colleges, universities and development organizations.
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