18+ Preparing A Woman's State Of Mind For Sex

Munhu umwe neumwe anoswera ainetwu stress twakamukomberedza, twumwe twacho twunosiya munhu aine ma emotion akadai se-‘worry’ ‘fear’ ‘enxiety’ ‘anger’ ‘regrets’ nezvimwewo zvinogona kumonzvera ndangariro dzemunhu.

Kuti munhu ane zvirikumushungurudza agokwanisa kuunza ndangariro nenhuna feelings pamwechete zvinotoda offloading session.

OFF-LOADING SESSION - Iyi inguva yekuzorodza pfungwa nekuunza safe and romantic atmosphere. Kuti izvi zvigogoneka panofanira kuwanika hurukuro dzinonyangadisa mazikunzwa kusafara, kubhowekana nekushungurudzika. Vanhurume vazhinji tinokundikana kugowera nguva iyoyi kumadzimai edu zvekuti kazhinji tinongoti munhu aine zvirikumunetsa naye naye pashure pacho tichizogunun’una kuti madam havasi kunakidzwa neni.
Sex starts with the right mindset
1. Take time to make her feel loved and important in your life.

2. Take time to listen to her feelings and emotions, so that she can feel as part of you and that you share common goals, expectations and aspirations.

3. Take time to acquaint yourself with your partner’s concerns

In General women have the following Emotional needs:

- Security of your affection, do not threaten her with abandonment

- Assurance that you will love them unconditionally.

- Protection from external female competition.

4. Make her smile more often. Smiling and laughing are therapeutic and help in diffusing ‘unhappy hormones and feelings’

Varume vari charismatic vanofarirwa nemadzimai kudarika wanogara vari ‘kwindi’. To prepare your woman for a good sexual session make sure that you have made her smile and laugh.

5. Appreciate her looks and body features. If you want her cavity then you have to love all of her} and there are no exceptions to this rule. Ukasema mazamhu ake mahombe, anogona kuzvi picker kuti hauafarire ende ziva kuti vakadzi vanotoziva nzvimbo dzavakapiwa zvavasingagutsikane.

- Farira makumbo ake matete iwayo nekuti paanosangana ndipo pane joy yako!

- Farira ndebvu dzake idzodzo agokwanisa kuita relax infront of you,

Remove all sources of her discomfort. Love the way she is coz inside that body lies a unique heart and to know her is to love her.

THE EMOTIONAL BANK ACCOUNT. For every pain you cause your partner an emotional bank account is maintained and the currency is called LOVE the following is a value guide: A good Hubby needs to have a fixed deposit of not less than 140 love units. (check your weekly withdrawal and deposits below.
- Kudhumhaniswa neumwe mukadzi -100 love units

- Comparisson with another woman -50 love units

- One act of true love +30 love units

- Remembering her birthday +150 Love units

- Coming home after 10pm -10 love units

- Coming home after midnight -120 love units

- Flirting with women on FB or WHATSAPP -60 love units

- Saying good morning Honey +130 love units

- Lying to her -20 love units

- Calling her a bitch -200 love units

- Refusing to eat food she prepared -25 love units.

- Telling her kuti haanakidze pabonde -210 love units

- Telling her that she is the best in the world +220 love units

- Making a call to say hie dear! +20 Love units

Ukagona izvi wave pedyo nekuve murumeanonzwisisa nekufadza mudzimai wako. Zvisinei, zvingabetsere here kungofadza mudzimai wako asi uchisuwisa Denga. Pamusoro pekufadza mudzimai wako unofanira kufadza Mwari. Izvi unozviita nekugashira Ishe Jesu Kristu saIshe naMambo wako. Zviite izvezvi: "Ishe Jesu pindai mumoyo mangu mundiregerere zvivi zvangu nekuda kweropa renyu. Ndichakunamatai misi yese muzita raJesu. Amen."

This weekend tora adzimai nemhuri muende kukereke!

Adopted By Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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