There are fifteen foolish things a Wife can do to mess up her marriage, I want you to check them carefully and avoid them.
1. DARING HER HUSBAND TO BEAT HER: You blocked the door way, and then dare him to beat you and see what will happen. Lots of women have done this in the past and they end up regretting it. It is unwise to do this.
2. DARING HER HUSBAND TO SLEEP WITH, ANOTHER WOMAN: You will be making a major mistake if you dare your husband to sleep with another woman. You may live to regret it
3. NEGLECTING TO DRESS RIGHTLY BECAUSE SHE IS MARRIED: “I am married, who is looking at me” That was the defense of Mrs Layi when she was confronted for the reason why she dressed so shabbily. It is the mistake of most careless married women and it’s a major mistake you can make.
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A Must Read - Silly Things Married Woman Do That Destroys Marriages |
6. LEAVING HER HUSBAND IN THE HAND OF HER HOUSE MAID: Your maid is the one that cooks, cleans the house, and cares for the children and your husband. You suddenly become a lazy bone since the arrival of the maid. All you do is to shout and bark orders, nobody will snatch your husband you are the one graciously giving him to those that need him.
7. EMPLOYING FULLY GROWN, RED BLOODED LADY AS A MAID: She is fully grown up and well-endowed in the back and very tantalizing in the front. She dresses like an actress, cat walks like a model and that is your own house maid? What a mistake!
8. EMPLOYING HOUSE GIRL THAT IS MORE BEAUTIFUL,LOVING AND CARING THAN HER: Employing a house girl more beautiful than them is a major technical mistake most women make. In the process many of them used their money to employ a rival for themselves. Don’t be foolish when getting a maid.
9. USING ANALOG BRAIN TO LIVE WITH A DIGITAL HUSBAND: Your husband is growing; you are sitting down at home eating. He is dressing like a guy with jeans and face cap; you are celebrating the fact that you are a married woman. Your husband is on twitter, facebook, whatshap, skype etc; the only thing you know about phone is to receive and make call. Your husband is talking about stock market; you only talk about tomato market. He is talking about Forex; you are talking about fruit and vegetables.
10. FAILING TO COMMIT HER FAMILY INTO THE HANDS OF GOD: A wife won’t do well if she fails to commit her family into the hands of God regularly. Don’t make this mistake, be prayerful, hand over your family to God. May you never labor in vain!
11. FIGHTING HER MOTHER-IN-LAW: You may fight your Mother-in-law dirty and think you can win, you will end up losing. Her son and herself have been friends and lovers for years; may be before you were born. She was the first ‘wife’ of your husband and also the first ‘girlfriend’. Her son cannot divorce her and she is more experienced than you in matrimonial battles, in fact she is a veteran of many conflicts.
12. TELLING HER FRIENDS ABOUT HER SEX LIFE: When you tell your friend about your sex life she can size you up and know whether your husband is hot or not, whether he is sexually fulfilled or not. She can even know your husband “turn on” and use it against him and grab your husband. Most women have carelessly lost their husband as they complain to their friends “my husband is too demanding, he does not know anything but sex, I’m not a horse, I can’t kill myself” A friend will pick information like this and cover things up where you’ve been failing.
13. REPORTING HER HUSBAND TO HIS MUM: It looks beautiful to report your husband to his Mum, but the end result will end up hurting you. Most mothers will support their sons anyway; children are always right before their Mothers. Seek counsel in the right quarters, never report your husband to his Mum.
14. LETTING CHILDREN TAKE THE PLACE OF THEIR HUSBANDS: Many wives do abandon their husbands, denying them of love, care and attention as soon as babies begin to arrive. To sleep in bed, they put the Baby between themselves and their husband, making the man to feel lost in his own house.
15. USING SEX WRONGLY: Sex is supposed to bind you together, it supposed to create intimacy and love but in many homes it is the bone of contention. Some women do turn sex to a tool of manipulation; Some use it for trade by barter. Some wives will suddenly become commanders at home when their husbands touch them for sex, ordering the man around, “go and off the Fan” “go and lock the gate” “go and check whether our children are sleeping” This is very bad. Some wives sleep like log of woods in bed while some even wear jean knickers to bed.
If you continue like this you will hurt your marriage deeply and you may destroy your future also.
Adopted By Apostle Pride Sibiya