Most great men leave their children behind while they train other men's children.They unconsciously invest in their young, uneducated errand boys who go about with them. Little do the great men know, that while their children are at home watching TV, the uneducated young errand boy that goes around with them is understudying and learning the keys to Success and greatness.
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Moses left his children behind with his wife and father in law Jethro, while Joshua became his errand boy, watching the different miracles, understudying Moses.No wonder, Joshua became the next leader of Israel. Even though, Jethro brought them back much later.
Fathers, Mothers, Pastors, Businessmen and Women, don't leave your children behind. Carry them along. Stop training other men's children while yours stay back at home.Let them experience what you experience that makes you what you are.Let them become your P.As, even your errand boys and girls.Let people say that they are following their father's step.
Adopted By Apostle Pride Sibiya.