Deal With Your Weaknesses Before They Destroy You.

When it comes to enemies I suppose that the most dangerous enemy is the enemy that works from the inside. This is what all our weaknesses are: they are our inside enemies. 

They destroy us from within. As we focus our energies fighting the demons living outside us, Satan will be fighting us from the inside using the weaknesses within us. As a result, we find ourselves being falling to the same sins time and time again. 

By Apostle F. Muzari
We must understand that satan doesn’t come with new tricks to try and make us fall. He simply attacks us in the areas of least resistance and unfortunately he usually wins.
Deal With Your Weaknesses Before They Destroy You
Here are a few points about the effects of weaknesses:
1. Weaknesses attract the devil into your life. They act as invitations to the devil.
2. Weaknesses provide entry points to the devil. It is important to note that demons don’t enter a person’s life without the person’s cooperation.
3. Weaknesses give the devil an unfair advantage against you since they act as inside enemies. Personally I think your weakness is actually your worst enemy.
4. Your weaknesses can break your most important relationships. Marriages and families are destroyed when someone refuse to change certain habits.
5. Weaknesses invite the wrong people into your life. These are the people who will ruin your life in the near future.
6. Weaknesses tarnish your image.

My advice is that we deal with our weaknesses before they destroy our lives. To do so I suggest a 3 step process:
1. See those weaknesses as sin and confess them to God.
2. Run from anything that triggers those weaknesses. If for instance, your weakness is smoking, don’t hang around smokers, etc.
3. Ask God to help you overcome those weaknesses. You can’t set yourself free. You need Jesus to deliver you.
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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