Things That Makes Pastors Be Barren In Raising Leaders

Many pastors are failing to raise leaders yet they were also raised by others. These are things you must overcome:

1. Lack of trust. It is very difficult to trust a person especially if you have been betrayed. Give it all to God. A look at yourself shows you too cannot be trusted by God yet he believed in you.
2. Knowing their weaknesses. Pastoring a person gives you grace to pick hidden things in their lives. While some weaknesses cannot be acceptable, some cannot stop someone from leading.
3. Fixing. Gifted people are usually mischievous and do bad things against their pastors. When time for their elevation comes pastor block them to spite them. NEVER DESTROY THE WORK OF GOD FOR PERSONAL AGENDAS AND VENDATTAS.
4. Inferiority complex. A pastor who is not sure of himself and his calling sees every other person as a threat to his position. No one can ever beat you at being who God said you are neither can you beat them. Do your portion, one day you will be honoured for raising better leaders than you even. I urge all people in our church to excel more than me. It never changes, Apostle Sibiya is their father.
5. Wrong idea of success in leadership. Some pastors think success in ministry is when people cannot do without you. The true test of good leadership is for your church to move on with or without you, at least if it is Christ's church. There is no leadership success without a successor!

That church does not happen when you are away is the greatest sign of failure in ministry and leadership. Raise leaders for Christ Jesus to use. Time is not on our side and the Lord is coming soon. Mega Souls to Jesus Christ through saturation church planting and multiple mega churches. Are you with me? 
Things That Makes Pastors Be Barren In Raising Leaders
Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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