As You Prepare for 2017 Please Read This ...

Here's a powerful message from Henry Kachaje's posting on Facebook ... just copied! 2017, the Year of…

If you are like me, a Christian, you will identify with me that some churches, prophets, Apostles, men of God, will declare a particular year as the year of….

1) Breakthroughs
2) Restoration
3) Favour
4) Open doors
5) Divine possessions
6) …and many other prophetic declarations.

I have not yet heard what will be the declarations for 2017, but I know there will be many declarations made and the flock will shout “Amen! I receive it! That’s my portion! Hallelujah!”
As we come to the end of 2016, I would like you to soberly reflect: Have you experienced what was proclaimed at the beginning of this year? What about 2015? 2014? 2013? 2012?

KNOW THIS… Nothing will be different in 2017 IF you remain what you have been in 2016. You don’t change because the year has changed. You don’t receive favours, breakthroughs, have divine possessions or whatever will be prophesied on you or on the year UNLESS you have personally changed and re-positioned yourself to be different, do things differently or do different things in order to achieve different results.

The year will not automatically bring to you the breakthrough you have been expecting. It will require sober reflections, personal planning, a lot of hard work and personal transformation to appropriate that breakthrough. You will not “own vineyards you didn’t plant nor houses you didn’t build” miraculously. There is something you must DO to gain such possessions. God “gave” the children of Israel a land “Flowing with milk and honey”, BUT they had to fight many battles to get that promise.

As You Prepare for 2017 Please Read This ...

KEEP READING… God remains God and he remains Almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing. He is not limited or confined to a change of dates in a calendar. He can bring to you breakthroughs or bring restoration or open doors ANYTIME! It’s not because it is 2017 that things will be different with God. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you think or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20) and he can do this ANYTIME.

I believe in declarations. But I am also aware that empty declarations bear no results. While you are folding your hands claiming “houses you didn’t build”, the Chinese, Indians, Burundis are working hard day and night to buy land and build their houses. While you are simply claiming “Breakthroughs” (which are mostly financial), your friends are waking up at 4am to start their trade and go to bed at 12midnight and they are seeing the financial breakthroughs while for you it remains just “riches in glory”. While you are waiting for “open doors”, that “non-believer” neighbour is busy knocking on different doors until he find one that is open…

What is my point? “You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless”? (James 2:20NIV)
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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