Many professionals are waiting for a time where there will retire then pursue the calling of God on their life. Some think to be in ministry you must be doing it full-time. My conviction is that if we are to reach all nations ministry must not be limited to a few super-hero men of God but all saints.
1. You still need to take proper care of your family and church especially small ones cannot do so
2. You must still finance the work yet you know you should minister otherwise.
3. God has called you but you have a passion for business like Rev-Dr Shingi Muyeza
4. The harvest is plentuous but labourers are few and though you are a professional you won't stand aside and see the harvest rotting.
5. You have a burden for the work but God has not called you to full-time ministry.
6. The burden on your man/woman of God is too heavy. You are a responsible child so want to lighten the burden.
8. The only Jesus your community will see is you, you are the only Bible some will ever read.
9. Know that you are potentially carrying many churches in you that you must release. one emission of sperm is capable of fertilising a million ova.
10. The vision carries EQUIPPING. After being equipped "don't sit and rot" instead "arise and go!" ExPrESS God.
11. Apostle encourages us from the Spirit to be enthusiastic church planters (His Glory Our Vision p25)
12. Ministry must be exceptional so professionals must bring a level of excellence to the ministry.
13. You do not necessarily need another special ministry coz being a professional shows a level of calling. Bazalel and Aholiab were craftsmen. They were called(Exodus 35:30-35)
14. It is not fair to want to serve God only after retirement when all energy was used up only at an earthly job. Remember NOW your Creator in the days of your youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
15. There will never be a conductive time for you to serve God, do it now.
16. His expects you to use what is in your hands. (Exodus 4:2)
17.Doing nothing for God is cursed. (Jeremiah 48:10b)
18. It is a shame for the father to have a son who sleeps in the harvest.
19. The biggest churches in the world grow by lay ministry.
20. Lay ministry does not drain the ministry of resources to build ministry asset basis.
21. When professionals just sit around in Church doing nothing they bad-mouth and fight one another.
22. At the judgement you will give an account of your talents (Luke 19)
23. The Bible is full of ministers who were also professionals e.g Prime minister Daniel, tent maker Paul and farmer Amos.
24. Some countries will not give you a work permit to "do evangelism work!" but will readily give you for a profession.
25. Because necessity is laid on us that we should preach if we need to prosper.
Friend, we are living in the last days and the Gospel of the Kingdom must reach every tribe. Do not leave your profession...but do not also leave the work of God. Forward ever...season of mega, I see mega churches!
I love you so.
Apostle Pride Sibiya