Demons do not just enter people from nowhere. Demons need an open door in the spirit realm for them to enter your life. this door may have been open by someone who was before you or yourself.
The most powerful demons that stick to your life because they were given you by people of authority over your life. Have you heard demons says, "Handiende ndakamupihwa uyu (I won't leave because he/she was given to me)?" Yes they won't be lying. These people of spiritual rank over your life include people of the same blood, parental figures, guardians, pastors...yes pastors, cultic priests and the like. You also open doors through refusing Christ and living an unholy life. Come with me as we explore how we open doors to demons.
1. Parental covenants and dedications: Abuse of the covering authority Lamentations 5:7, naming kupihwa zita ranhingi iye nhingi wacho airoya harisingori zita watotambidzwa huroyi, dedication, kugadzwa pabonde(dedication to the spirit of a dead person).2. Generational line: There are things that follow your blood line no wonder someone murdered in your family yet the spirits bug you. Exodus 20:5, Jeremiah 31:29, Leviticus 26:40.
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How Demons Enter People: Apostle Explores 18 Demonic Doorways Never To Be Ignored. |
4. Receiving money or gifts that have been cursed (zvakareererwa): This may work against you or giving money or gifts to people who use them against you spiritually. this is why it is important to always tithe to protect your finances.
5. Hurts, abuse and rejection: Loneliness, unwanted pregnancies, rejection of unborn baby, single parenting, abusive language, physical, emotional abuse, divorce and deaths(of loved ones, dreams of such, miscarriages, abortions). Matthew18:6
6. Trauma and accidents: Shock, motor-car accidents, major illnesses, unexpected unemployment. When you do not get proper counselling this may open a door.
7. Personal invitation: There are things that people desire for themselves e.g mangoromera (supernatural fighting power), kupinga (supernatural protection), divisi (supernatural harvest), mubobobo (sexual blue-tooth), uroyi (witchraft). These can be readily bought through your personal decision.
8. Involvement in false religious practices and occultic (hidden) sin: A historical (familiar), idol worship, witchdoctors, divination Satanism (and all other ungodly worship), incisions, concoctions and evil charms, martial arts. You cannot sleep with the devil and just wake up well-Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Acts 19:19 opening your spirit to false ministers especially in laying on of hands- Acts 8:9-11
9. Ungodly alternative healing practices: When you attend healing sessions that are not led by a godly spirit, witchdoctors, fake churches, spirit mediums and cults you open up yoursel to spirits.
10. Sex abuse: Ungodly soul ties(1 Corinthians 6:16-17), adultery, fornication(1 Corinthians 6:18), sexual abuse, anal sex, beastiality, homosexuality and lesbianism, prostitution and pornography(Lev 18:6-19, 20:12-19).
12. Addictions: To sex, sleep, nicotine, alcohol. Multiple sex opens serious doors to satan and his demons. This is the single most communicable way of demons between people because in sex you fully open up yourself spirit, soul and body to the next person and spirits in them. Married sex is the only one blessed.
13. Media: books, films, music, cultural dances: I helped a male satanist who entered into satanism partly because of a book that explained the greatness og satan. Stop listening to people in word and music that you do not fully understand. Ezekiel 2:2 says that when he spoke to me a spirit entered me. Acts 19:19
14. Dreams, visions etc. The dream world is a very spiritual world. In it God, the devil or your own mind can speak to you. It communicates a lot of things and can be a doorway. Many people who dream eating at graves are actually being taken into withcraft.
15. Devilish symbols, objects dedicated to demons and idols. Beware of satanic symbols, signs, rings, clothing that depicts satan as a hero.
16. Curses spoken over your life or family
- By God or His workers- initially to bring you to repentance, if you do not respond harm will come.
- By satan and his workers- to bring harm or death to you.
- By yourself to yourself- negative confessions
17. Swearing ungodly oaths. Matthew 5:34-37
18. Trespassing spiritual laws and places when you are not in Christ. There are laws and places that are termed sacred because these have spiritual powers in the form of demons where laws are to followed. If you are not in Christ and you trespass, demons attack you, e.g Nyangani Mountains.
From today make it a point that if you are under demonic control you seek help from people who represent Jesus Christ start of by praying to receive Jesus Christ right now: " Lord Jesus please forgive me and accept me as a child of God today. I believe you are the Son of God, my Lord and Saviour."
Read more of my articles in this area of deliverance.
By Apostle Pride Sibiya.