You thought you have moved on with your love-life but you find yourself peeping on your ex's profile. You want to hear what's happening to them, good or bad.
It's like you thought you'd moved on and yet you haven't. You may even be married but every time you quarrel you go back in time to that first love.A soul tie is a spiritual bonding of one's spirit and soul to another person or system. the result is that the relationship within the two entities is not easily broken.Being spiritual it gets to be stronger than just an obsession.
God wants us all to have a soul-tie with Him: "But he who is joined unto the Lord is one spirit"(1 Corinthians 6:17). this is because a soul tie can be beneficial if it is in the right relationship e.g husband and wife. David and Jonathan had a healthy soul tie: "... the soul of David was knit with the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul"(1 Samuel 18:1)
However we have ungodly soul ties which must be dealt with or else life will be very hard for us. These include soul ties to a past love, a first love, teenage love, a celebrity, alcohol, sex, nicotine, work, ministry When you are in a soul tie you desire the other as your own soul, you wish you would be with the other more than anyone or anything(1 Samuel 18:2-3). Now this easily distracts your focus and ultimately your spiritual life.
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I Cannot Seem To Get Over My Ex! (Soul-Tie) |
Soul ties start of with thinking about someone or something deeply, after they have had a great impact in your life via one or more avenue like acts of charity, care, the way they treated you, the first kiss, the way they looked at you or something else.
Another and more powerful way is through sexual intercourse. Sex consummates the initial start of a soul tie. When a man sleeps with a woman(or man!) he releases semen which contains sperm. sperm is mainly composed of protein and protein is what constitutes the physical being of any person. it is apparent that as someone receives sperm they are receiving a person physically into themselves:"what know ye not that he who is joined to a harlot is one body, for the two, saith He, shall be one flesh"(1 Corinthians 6:16). So that person becomes part of wonder people who are married for long end up looking alike. Now, how many people are living in you? How many people are you living in?
Your husband can never compete with someone who is inside of you! Your wife cannot take you out of the body you are living in...only deliverance by the Mighty Hand of God! It is no wonder you are married but think of that other one more than your own.
Sex, embracing, kissing is not just physical but these are the only ways through which you fully open yourself up spiritually, psychologically and in all ways to another opening doors for demonic transfer. when you get tied to the other person, you become one in the spirit and all demons and wars that fight the person become yours as well...but in the absence of a Holy the devil will have D-Day!
In order to be free the following may be observed:
1. Admit that you have a problem
2. Be willing to confess all and revoke whatever caused the soul tie.
3. Be willing to let go of the other person. Many people are unwilling because thinking about the person gives them a good feeling.
4. If the other person knows about the tie and is also willing to let go ask them to pray from wherever they are against it. Never be together in private. most do admit that if you would meet in private "something" would happen as long as the other person responds positively.
5. Refuse to remain a "gentleman" or "lady" by cutting lines of communication. This is very hard if you have not gone past number 3. I am serious, soul ties are more potent than you think. Erase phone numbers, block social NOW! Never again check what is going on on their page or pictures! pictures have a great influence.
6. If wise, ask your spouse to help you.
7. Pray against the tie and declare it cut in the spirit
8. Consult a servant of God to declare liberty over you since every matter is settled by the mouth of the priest.
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Apostle Pride Sibiya. |
I have just written in summary but...
Apostle Pride Sibiya.