What To Do When Your Boyfriend Starts Talking About Breasts And Thighs!

“Sex is good especially when wearing .. your spouse’s wedding ring and with your spouse.” 

Inevitably as a youth or as a young adult in love you will definitely have to have some time to talk about sex. I have written a whole book for you entitled, Let's Talk About Sex Babe. When your boyfriends talks about sex you need to read these and think again.

From that book I bring you a number of quotes to consider before you make the wrong decision of indulging in premarital sex. Here are a few:

Premarital sex will not make a man wanna buy the product, it makes him think, if I can get the milk for free, why bother buying the cow for the milk! Sex is not an advert for prospective buyers, it is a priviledge for those who have bought already…it is a pre-paid arrangement”

“Boys have the fire, girls have the gas, keep away the fire from the gas or we will all burn”

“Never get married to the devil’s child cause papa in law will always pay you a visit.”
What To Do When Your Boyfriend Starts Talking About Breasts And Thighs!
“Mufaro mwena, utevedze unoguma(ungodly amusement is a dead end).”

“If he won’t allow you to insert your finger into his wedding ring never allow him to insert himself into you.”

"Do not boast of being followed by many lovers…cheap things have many customers."

"What you do with your first 25 years may determine tour next 65 years. Be wise!"

"We are having problems stopping youths from having sex, soon will be in problems trying to counsel them to have it when they are married."

"Sons and daughters,as long as your are not married, keep your thighs closed and your zipper up. That won’t need a diploma in Thigh-closiology or a BA in Zippology. Self Control! "

"Some people die for the wrong reasons you want every lady to call you a gentleman so you bow down to their every sexual demand, you date everyone to maintain your “status”. You allow every man into your body so that men may know you are a lady and not rough! Maihwe!"

"Sex is the consummation of an inaugural process which includes looks, lusts, flirting, touching, kissing, embracing….if you do not want the consummation, cut the inauguration and process!"
“Do not let your erection determine your direction; do not let everyone’s erection be directed towards you”

“Better find yourself someone with a vision, ten years from now swag won’t be buying food on the table”

“Getting pregnant for the guy does not make him love you”

"Sex In The Bible: a union of two persons and two hearts in the deep connection of real cherishing love; only to find out afterward that it did not mean that to the other person."

By Pride Sibiya
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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