There are doctrines who advocate against the issue of fatherhood. While Jesus spoke against idolizing and abusing fathers he never closed on fatherhood.
"Do not call anyone father on the earth…" (Matthew 23:9) was a whip against the Pharisees who were pushing people into their kind of discipleship in the light of the Tradition of the Elders. Read the whole chapter.
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
The Bible must be read in context or else we will moot divergent heresies. In context that scripture would be like, “do not follow the false fatherhood which has fake Pharisaic tendencies,” not as that we should discard fatherhood.
Fatherhood - The Types Of Fathers
1. God as the Ultimate Father of all Creation Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6
2. Biological father who gives you the biological DNA.
3. Close friends of your biological father
4. Father who brought you to Christ. Galatians 4:19
5. Substitute father who replaces your father, step father or guardian
6. Father-in-law, the father of your spouse. Genesis 18:6-7
7. Father of a great movement like John Calvin(Reformation), Abraham Galatians 3:7
8. Spiritual father. 1 Corinthians 4:15
I believe that it is the call of God in these last days for men to arise and take their rightful positions as fathers in all aspects and dimension of life. Without the restoration of proper fatherhood on the earth, the cosmos is cursed, is in chaos and black clouds of uncertainty are billowing: “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”(Malachi 4:5-6)
Today God is calling us to father the earth in order to stop the impending curse. “Lord make me a father to my generation, the God-kind of father who will be blessed, be a blessing, and will see all the nations of the earth being blessed in me. I receive Jesus Christ now.
In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!