Great Or Good Leadership Today

I am in a personal school of leadership as I go deep into the Word of God and also study such great leaders as the Guti couple, the Chisangos, the Gurupiras, Steve Jobs, Alex Ferguson, Myles Munroe and others.

I am getting great wealth also from John Maxwell. Here is some.

2 Thessalonians tells us that in the last days the man of sin will manifest, the beast or the anti Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:1-11).
  Great Or Good Leadership Today
He will be a global leader with international fame, powerful, proud and doubles as a "religious" leader accompanied by great signs and wonders. He functions as a great leader yet he is the deceiving one sent by the enemy! IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE A GREAT LEADER BUT NOT A GOOD LEADER!!!

1. Great leadership has to do with our competence, good leadership deals with our character.

2. Great leadership makes us effective in our work, good leadership makes our work constructive.

3. Great leadership pushes our cause to progress, good leadership pushes us to choose the right cause.

4. Great leadership is evidence of a good head, good leadership is evidence of a good heart.

5. Great leadership ensures our skills will influence, good leadership ensures our service will impact!

So should we choose great or good leadership? We should choose both but never major the minor and minor the major! The nine gifts of the Spirit (power) must build upon the nine fruit (character) of the Spirit. It is better to have good leadership than great leadership but God's best is for us to have them both, primarily character and secondarily gifting. I pray God makes us good and faithful. I pray God makes us great and effective. in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

I love you Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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