Singles: Usarare MuSingle

Mu single haarare kunge akapedza nhamo, vana wanamatira here, ko business, ko kereke, ko hushumiri, ko hurwere, break the limitations, break those delays, pray for basa rinobhandara times two as you have to take up roles of mother and of father.
By Portia Madzikwa
Kurara Hope Rugare
Ramba kupinzwa mu comfort zone naSatan, hausi rombe, hausi pfambi, hausi murombo, uri mukundi nekupfuurisa mhani.

Sima mabvi ako achakatsvukira, it's time to claim zviri zvedu nezita raJesu risinga kundikani. Hatisi kuti usarare physically all the time, tirikuti usarare nezamu mukanwa, usakotsiriswa paMweya naSatani, usapuse, namata, namata, namata!

Let's get into the war room. God is waiting for us to present our challenges so that He fights for us, tigouya nemufaro.

Namata uone simba remunamato!

Akati haurooreke will be usher pamuchato wako mhani.

Receive Jesus Christ today and go to church for spiritual fellowship.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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