Must Read: Can New Testament Christians Eat Pork?

The Old Testament is clear that it's a believer should not eat pork: "And the pig, though it has divided a hoof, is not unclean for you." Leviticus 11: 7-8
That is very clear for all the Old Testament believers.
By Apostle Pride Sibiya
Apostle Pride Sibiya
The Advent of the New Testament with the death, resurrection and subsequent Ascension of Jesus Christ brought a lot of transformation to the 10 Commandments with regard to ritual and food laws. The epistle to the Galatians, with the emphasis on the 3rd chapter is clear that the Law does not have any salvific significance and infact done away with. The image is that while the law is holy it can not save anyone because it is like the bondwoman Hagar who works as long as the real child of promise has not come. When Sarah's child comes the bond woman and her child must vacate Abraham's place.

So Pauline Theology is consistent with the line with what Jesus insinuated when Pharisees were up and about on these ritual and dietary laws. While responding to a slightly different issue, Jesus had torn into Pharisaic theology and Tradition of the Elders, saying: "Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them, but it's what comes out of a person that defiles them." 7:15 )
According to Paul, the sacrament or profanity of time, space or meat is not a big deal as the glory of God is. He says that no one should judge anyone about what they prefer to eat or not (Romans 14 is Central here). Some words Paul throws are: "So let us stop judging on anoe another ... I'm convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself ... For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost ... "(Romans 14:13 -20).

From this we see that food in the New Testament is not a big deal. New Testament believers can eat pork. But if this freedom offends other believers' faith then eating pork to the detriment of other weak believers becomes sin: "It's better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall." Romans 14:21
Apostle Pride Sibiya

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