Apostle And Mama Sibiya's Message For Valentines' Day!

Greetings beloveds. I am praying and hoping you are all well here.

Me and mama write to send you love and wish you all the best this particular season of love. We, however, call on all of us to know that Valentines' Day is just a day but we should learn to make every day of our life a great love day!

As we celebrate Vee Day let us make a resolve that LOVE will lead in all that we do.

Love one another.
Before you divorce consider love.
Before violence consider love.
Before cheating consider love.
Before speaking, love.

Please give your loved ones excessive amounts of love and know that we have a few years together, there is no need of keeping grudges and not enjoying love.
Apostle And Mama Sibiya's Message For Valentines' Day!
Apostle And Mama Sibiya's Message For Valentines' Day!
The greatest show of love was on the cross of Calvary! Love died for you and me to be saved. Why note return such an honour by receiving Jesus Christ TODAY as personal Lord and Saviour? Say: Lord Jesus come into my heart NOW!

We wish you love!
We will always love you!

Apostle Pride Sibiya and Pastor Anna Tendayi Chiweshe Sibiya.

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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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