Drunkards Meet, We Should Meet

"I once prayed for a young man who was having a psycho-spiritual problem (mad-boy, aipenga) and he got healed prompting the whole family to come to church. After some time the father of the family stopped coming and I did a personal follow-up on him. He said to me, “Apostle, I thought you were a spiritual man?!”

I told him that I considered myself spiritual. He said, “if you are spiritual, why don’t you see me in church every Sunday because I always come spiritually!” Wow how could I answer such a statement? I said, “that is alright, when you get sick and are hospitalised, do not complain that I am not visiting you, I will be visiting you spiritually and bringing spiritual bananas, spiritual apples... I will we'd you spiritually too and bury you spiritually!"
Drunkards Meet, We Should Meet
Drunkards meet and come home drunk, witches meet at 2pm and encourage one another, politicians have congress es, thieves converge, pilots conference iwewe wozongoti ndonamatira kumba, USADARO!
Teachers abuse children but we do not stop sending them to school, people die at hospitals we do not shut hospitals, motor-cars kill in accidents but we do not walk to church, politicians lie but we can't do without them!

Present yourself physically and spiritually in church...what you sow is what you reap! Do not give up the habit of meeting together, Hebrews 10:25 says.

Apostle Pride Sibiya (Off The Book - Why Should I Go To Church?)
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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