Serious 18+ Reverend: Wife's Bedroom Roles: What Men Want! Part 2

Avoid the attitude of " Let him do what ever he wants to do and let me sleep " 

Avoid a dirty life style and odour - Upenyu hwekunhuhwa. Geza mazino mhani iwe, geza hapwa idzo, kwesha kwese kunoinda tsvina nekunobuda bad smell usati waenda pabonde. make sure your mouth, body, armpits, and the vagina smell well.

Appreciate your husband as you make love, never keep quite, invite your man for sex filled night, never be ashamed of this becoz he is your husband. Never insist on a style but agree to variety in sex - hapana chivi ipapa. Make it a habit to communicate with your husband about your sex life, this will help both of you understand your needs. 
Women must actively participate.
Musatukane kana kukavadzana pabonde zvinonyangadza Mwari. Do all things without murmuring and disputing ( Philippians 2:14 ) .

Activate your mind to enjoy sex, forget about all your social or economic challenges in the bedroom. Iwee mukadzi be active in the bedroom, get involved in Kissing, moving, massaging, fondling etc .

Be creative in the way u undress, don't make it a one way traffic. Avoid a dead sea sex with your husband - be involved give more than 100% performance. If he is still dressed up, go ahead and undress him. Make it a habit to sleep without panties except uri kumwedzi - mensuration.

You don't have power over your body but your husband does ( 1 Corinthians 7:4 ). Your sex life and marriage must be exciting and pleasant. Remember a bedroom failure mess up her marriage. Make sure your bedroom is pleasant, clean room, perfumed bed and loving bed sheets .

Mablankets anonhuwa weti kana anetsvina anoshatisa bonde uye anodzingira varume kure. Be friendly to your man and Crake jokes with him as he enters the room , smile and be happy and look forward to an exciting moment.

Jairirai kugeza mese kana kudyira food muSame plate zvinosimbisa rudo rwenyu.Bonds rinodawo chero masikati chaiwo chero usiku mumba mune Light kwete kungojaira kushandana murima/ darkness kunge varoyi nembavha. Mukateedza zvese izvi murume uyo munochembera naye kusvika muguva .Ini muranda waMwari Rev C V.Machakaire ndinokushuvirai bonde rakanaka uye rakaropafadzwa. May God richly bless your bedroom and marriage .

For Marriage and Counseling, for Couples Seminars, Ruwadzano Seminars, Youth Seminars, Prayer requests etc call Rev C V. Machakaire on 0775 170 761, E-mail:, App: 0775 170 761.
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