A Must Read - Apostle Pride Sibiya Enlightens On The Dangers Of Porn.

I have met a lot of young people who are skewed and paralysed spiritually by porn. As a man of God it is my duty to show you the other side of porn.

If you ever go into the sin of pornography, you will spend the rest of your life in suffering and struggling, you will even end up becoming nothing here on earth, and you will also miss the heaven at last.

Pornography gives you a sense of guilt.

Pornography gives you a spirit of lust that can never be satisfied.

Porn leads you to loose a sane and healthy mindset. You end up seeing dressed people as though they are naked.

Porn makes you unsatisfied with your married partner because of unrealistic expectations.

Porn leads you to adultery and fornication.

Porn leads to extreme episodes of masturbation.

Porn causes shame when certain people know of your secret exploits.

Porn makes you lose spiritual godly anointing.

Porn makes demons of porn to mock you when you attack them.
A Must Read - Apostle Pride Sibiya Enlightens On The Dangers Of Porn.
Pornography will make your brighter future, to become a black painted future, because of the spirits attached to it.

Porn makes you see people as sexual objects not as God intended them for.
Porn connects you to demons. You will end up getting married in the dream, with demon's and also produce children in the sea, if you want move forward physically, you will trapped down by those spiritual husband and wife. You can never make headway in life, because of pornographic movies.

Can't you think twice, about your future, do you know that God has a better plan for you, that is why the Bible says that "For the thoughts that I think towards you, is the thought's of Peace and not of evil, and to give you an expected end. Then why do you want to rubbish your future with Pornography movies? Why are you putting your life into jeopardy?

Why are you putting your destiny into bondage?
Why are you putting your life into slavery ?
Why are you rubbishing the an and the purpose of God for you?
Why have you choosing the wrong pathways?
The way if destruction of thy soul, the way of destruction of they inner man.

What has PORNOGRAPHY profited you, since all this years, months, and weeks you've been watching it. Or what is the profit attached to it that will gain you heaven, rather than it to lead you to hellfire, a place of torment. What shall you give in exchange if your soul. 

Please just have a rethink of this things.... Think about it.
"I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." Pslam101:3KJV

If you have gone into the sin of PORNOGRAPHY, may be you're invited to watch it and you are still alive, don't hesitate, quickly run to Jesus Christ, He is the Hope of the world.

Jesus is the only one that save you and deliver you from the slavery of PORNOGRAPHY.

Apostle Pride Sibiya
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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