Marriage Syrup: Tapi - Tapi Kutapira!

If you want your marriage to sizzle with love in the Loving cup, when ever you are wrong admit it , when ever you are right shut up! 

Protecting your selves when you are wrong makes resolution impossible .Don't make life difficult for your spouse/ partner. No one likes to be around someone who always seems to be patting himself on the back. Two simple guidelines for a marriage that pleases God:

Admit wrong and keep quiet about being right. Its a good way to keep your marriage strong .
Marriage relationship
Marriage Motto - Let your speech be better than silence, otherwise be silent.

Mumarriage hamudi varume vanongohonyera nekungobhon'a zvisina musoro, vakadzi vanowawata nekuvevedza zvisina musoro vanopunza dzimba dzavo uye vanonyangadza Mwari.

Good communication is essential for a happy marriage. Share everything with your spouse, love, secrets, joy, happiness , sorrowful moments .Muwanano hamudikwe humbimbi ndoga ,zano ndega anouraya Marriage. Mazano marairanwa in marriage. Musanyimane mari in marriage uye musavengane kana kusvorana nekushainirana, it blocks your blessings from our Almighty God .Tsiuranai muchidzorana murudo .Mukateedza zvese izvi imba yenyu inorarama nemufaro kusvika Ishe Jesu vachidzoka.
Ini muranda waMwari Rev C V. Machakaire ndinokushuvirai rugare, rudo, rufaro nerunyararo muMarriage yenyu nguva dzese.

Rev. C V. Machakaire is a Senior Marriage Guidance Counselor at The Marriage & Counseling Centre of Zimbabwe ( MCCZ ), He is an Expert in Social Psychology and Church Leader. For counseling Services and Prayer requests call him on 0775170761 , E-mail - cvmachakaire uk , App :0775 170 761.
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