How An Angel Appeared To Me: Archbishop Guti.

The God who showed me many stars in Heaven in 1946 said to me, "These stars you have seen are a sign of many people. You will lead many people who will go to Heaven." God said to Abraham, I will bless thee and multiply thy seed as the stars of Heaven. (Genesis 22:17,18). Therefore, all those who are in this ministry will go to Heaven if they keep this truth and walk in the Holiness of God.
"But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your contact; Because it is written, Be holy for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16)
Baba Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti, God's servant.
God revealed himself to me in 1938 while I was alone in the bush under a tree crying to God and suddenly I heard thick music in the air and a clear voice said, "Fear not, Sin not." And He appeared to me the second time in Vumba. After seeking God for four weeks in prayer and fasting, the Angel of the Lord appeared in front of me raising his hands up and down, I trembled with fear and felt as if I had melted. That angel never left me. He went with me. He went with me wherever I was preaching. The first day when I was preaching, people fell down and appeared dead. I didn't know what had happened to them but later on they told me that they had seen an angel standing by my side.
In 1948, I saw second coming of Christ to take the saints and I was filled with the Holy Ghost and the power of God to preach salvation to all, to prepare people for his coming.
In 1953, the Lord spoke to me again and said, "I have taken your hand to heal the sick." This time I came to understand the visions which had been revealed the previous years. In 1955 the Lord always woke me up at 3 or 4 am. to talk with me concerning the work and sufferings which I was to encounter. This was clearly revealed to me. For ten years, I worked using my money to go and preach during the weekends until the Lord assured me not to be afraid to leave my carpentry profession. He said: "If you do my will, when you are in need of clothes, ask of me and I will provide. If you remain faithful to my work, I will give you everything you need in your life.
Thank God for his faithfulness. Let no man enter in the ministry of God or leave his own work without God's calling, otherwise he will hate people when facing hardships, starvation or trials.
(Extract from the book: History of ZAOGA Forward In Faith by Apostle Prof. E. H. Guti)
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