Advantages of Cell Groups Over Crusades By Apostle Pride Sibiya

Crusades are good but it is relatively easier to win souls and make disciples through the cell group because:

Close proximity: At crusades people are not very close to you as in is a cell group. People feel more comfortable when there is closer proximity.

Easy followups: Follow up is easier in cell groups because for those you bring personally, you will easily see their backsliding than when thousands are at crusade

No budget needed: Cell groups need no special budget like the crusade. Usually the people meet at no cost.

Everyone participate: In the crusade, the speakers become the superstars but in the cell groups the whole body of Christ participates. Usually in a crusade attendees desire to follow and be pastored by the evangelist who preached. In the few days they have grown attached to him and he seems more powerful than all the local pastors.

As can be seen cell groups are more advantageous than many of our church programmes when it comes to both evangelizing and preserving the harvest of our evangelistic efforts.
  Advantages of Cell Groups Over Crusades By Apostle Pride Sibiya
  Advantages of Cell Groups Over Crusades By Apostle Pride Sibiya
Apostle Pride Sibiya extract from The Cell Group System BOOK.
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya ( Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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