5 Things To Remember When You Feel Like Quitting with Apostle Pride Sibiya

Because sometimes quitting looks better than it should ...

When You Feel Like Quitting:
Sometimes quitting is the easy thing to do and at other times it’s the hard thing to do. When quitting is the easy thing to do, and it’s not what the Lord is advising, it can be challenging to find the motivation going forward.

Five simple ideas to remember when quitting looks better than it should:

1. Then What? So you think quitting is the right idea? What are you going to do after quitting? If this is your dream we’re talking about, then something else will offer less meaning and purpose. Even if the next thing is also a dream, leaving your dream incomplete leaves something to be desired.

2. People Want You To Quit: Your competition wants you to quit, no doubt about it. The absence of your presence in a given space allows the competition to take what you’ve worked so hard to acquire. Other quitters want you to quit. Misery loves company and the more that join the ranks of the quitting club, the better. Don’t give them the satisfaction of stopping and throwing in the towel.

3. Inspire Others: People who don’t quit and persevere are inspiring. Who inspires you? I’m sure one of the reasons they inspire you is because of their passion and tenacity. Passionate persevering people have guts! Everyone wants to be courageous and brave. Keep going, don’t stop just because it’s raining out today. People love stories where the underdog kept going and didn’t quit. Too often people don’t dream, or if they have a dream, they don’t put the effort in to fulfill it. Keep going, you can do it!
 5 Things To Remember When You Feel Like Quitting with Apostle Pride Sibiya
4. Habitual Mentality: A quitting attitude never served anyone. Each time one quits prematurely makes room for a habit to form. Quitting is not a pattern anyone wants to build.

Next time things start getting rough stopping will be the first solution one runs to, rather than looking for plausible solutions to make it through.

Quitters never prosper.

5. It Takes Time: If it were easy, everybody would do it. If something takes time, talent and skill and brings you joy – please, by all means, keep going! Facing trials and challenges will take you farther faster than the competition.

It’s going to be worth it. Keep going. It’s going to be worth it.
Remember why you started in the first place. Is your goal to change the world for Jesus? Keep going. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Translating the message of Jesus into every language remains a work in progress 2000 years later. Good things take time. Now is the time to dig down deep and hold onto the promises of God. He’s capable of taking you further than you could ever imagine. Seek out the strategy He has for you in this moment of uncertainty.

Point of Reflection: Always remember with God, anything is possible. Even when things are their darkest God is well able to make the miraculous happen, only believe.

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27)

This article was written by: Joshua Paul , a staff writer for GOD TV.
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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