I Could Have Left Them - Ndezvavo!

I make it a point that every Friday I pick my daughters at school. Yesterday I failed to find them at the usual place.

I had two options: leave them since I had done my part and they had defaulted. Ko ndezvavo (it's their fault) I told them where to wait for me ; Search till I find them.

As a father I chose the second option. I went to different classrooms, playgrounds, asked many other students until I finally got them. Wow what a joy!

Many pastors have already done alot for the congregation and you fail to know why people still do not appreciate by coming to Church. IT'S NORMAL munhu munhu, a person is just that, a person. Do not wait for them to come...do not be proud, you are not a celebrity you are a shepherd: "A good shepherd leaves the 99, follows the one lost one and searches for it until he finds it. When he does he throws a party. He never says:ndezvake, he will come back, heee to hell with you! (Luke 15:1-7).

Pastor join me today to follow up by visits, calls and online as we search for that one lost soul!

I know, you are the good shepherd.

Apostle Pride Sibiya
I Could Have Left Them - Ndezvavo with Apostle Pride Sibiya
I Could Have Left Them - Ndezvavo with Apostle Pride Sibiya
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This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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