Why Should I Fast At The Beginning Of The Year?

When you give God your first through fasting and prayer at the beginning of the year, you set the course for the entire year.

We encourage you to seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show you areas to target during your time of fasting and prayer.

1. Are you in need of healing or a miracle?
2. Do you need the tender touch of God in your life?
3. Is there a dream inside you that only He can make possible?
4. Are you in need of a fresh encounter?
5. Do you desire a deeper, more intimate and powerful relationship with the Lord?
6. Are you ready to have heightened sensitivity to the desires of God?
7. Do you need to break away from bondages that have been holding you captive?
8. Is there a friend or loved one that needs Salvation?
9. Do you desire to know God’s will for your life?

Fasting is a discipline that helps to shift our priorities. It puts God first and allows us to hear His plan, receive His direction and His blessings. If you want success in your life, in your marriage, in your work — putting God first is the key.

Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength— strength which you can only receive from God; however, your private discipline will bring you rewards.

Matthew 6:17-18 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face,18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

BASIC TYPES OF FASTS: There are several types of fasting. The one you choose is between you and God. He will honor your best sacrifice.

Full Fast: Drink only liquids (you establish the number of days).

The Daniel Fast: 21 day fast Eat no meat, no sweets, no bread or white flour products or highly processed food. Drink water and juice. Eat grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.

3-Day Fast: This fast can be a Full Fast, Daniel Fast or give up at least one item of food.

Partial Fast: A partial fast is from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm or from sun up to sundown. You can select from three types of fasting —a Full Fast, Daniel Fast or give up at least one item of food.
Why Should I Fast At The Beginning Of The Year?
Remember that it is the attitude of a heart sincerely seeking Him to which God responds with a blessing. May God greatly bless you as you fast!
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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