Why Should I Go To Church: Book Review.

About the author Appointed to become a father of nations by God in 1995, Apostle Pride Sibiya has vigorously persued to manifest God's glory through his plethora of gifts. A charismatic preacher, teacher and motivational speaker, he has touched countless lives across the globe.

He is a notable life counselor, lecturer and prayer warrior who shepherds in excess of 30 assemblies within Glory Ministries in addition to being a spiritual father to several servants of God. His humble approach, has elevated him onto famed international platforms to challenge a cosmopolitan audience on spiritual, financial, marital and sexual matters. His unwavering enthusiasm for youths empowerment is evident in his passionate teachings for sexual purity and his relentless stance for one man one wife.

A graduate of theology (MA) from the renowned University of Zimbabwe, the able servant of God has lectured at various colleges to equip scholars with practical ministerial tools to instigate church growth. To date, he has authored revealing books that include, Lets Talk About Sex Babe and His Glory, Our Vision, which continue to shape the Christian community.
Apostle Pride Sibiya
Apostle Sibiya reading Why Should I go to Church?
Why Should I Go to Church?
Probably, the initial question you are asking is: Why should I read this book? Yes, you probably should but the gospel truth is, it will save your life from the flames of hell. Did you know that Jesus died on the cross so that you may inherit an eternal life and not perish in flames. So, when you end up in hell, his sole purpose of dying for you will lose its value. So, we ask you: why not go to church, today?
Because... The devil is always cunning, he seeks to isolate believers in order to win them to his kingdom of darkness. Like a predator after prey, satan drives Christians into wilderness, pounces on them when they are confused and weary, losing a sense of direction. How do you avoid this trap? Join a Bible-believing church today, to safeguard your precious life. There is safety in numbers.

As a church, Christians are destined to reap more when they fellowship collectively, rather than alone, in the comfort of their own homes. Today's Christians are renowned for their movement in search of signs and wonders, hence many have no sense of direction. However, some have been disappointed by various churches they have chosen to belong to. For starters, everyone needs companions in order to lead a normal life. Being alone, can lead to weird behaviors. Besides, we need someone to turn to when we are in need. The church is the right place as it provides the accurate atmosphere for such, to transpire.
Why Shhould I Go To Church?
Why Shhould I Go To Church?
Jesus is the husband to the church, so when you are in church, you are in safe, able hands. Why Should I Go to Church, another uncompromising and Godly-inspired book will certainly answer many probing questions on today's Christians mindset. With the rampant abuse of the church in the body of Christ, many belivers are questioning the motive of being part of a congregation.
How Can I Overcome Spiritual husbands?
How Can I Overcome Spiritual husbands?
The expertly and simple crafted way these prevalent questions are tackled by Apostle Pride Sibiya will certainly motivate you to be in church this week and thereafter. You are destined to lose more if you miss church this week. You are blessed by giving in the House of God. Your gift and testimony must be presented in church to benefit other believers. So, rather than asking: Why Should I Go to Church? Rather, ask which church should I go to for my blessing to manifest?

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Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
This Is Bishop Pride Sibiya (www.pridesibiya.com) Official Website and Blog. Pride Sibiya Is An Apostle, Author, Blogger, Speaker, and The Founder and President Of Glory Ministries. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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